Coin dealer pleads guilty

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by C-B-D, May 5, 2024.

  1. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

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  3. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Active Member

  4. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Sure seems to be a lot of this sort of stuff around these days.
    masterswimmer likes this.
  5. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    Sure does seem like a more prevalent 'hobby'. Sick twisted people out there.

    Another recent one is Drew Dreschel from American Ninja Warrior fame. He's awaiting sentencing. Castration for these deviants seems too good.
    Dug13, Randy Abercrombie and C-B-D like this.
  6. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    I think it's just that the news gets spread around more these days. I've heard enough tales from people older than myself about things that used to happen to children, and how "you didn't talk about that sort of thing".

    I sure don't like hearing about it, but I say bring on the spotlights. Light is bad for cockroaches, and also for lower creatures.
    micbraun, numist, Kentucky and 4 others like this.
  7. nerosmyfavorite68

    nerosmyfavorite68 Well-Known Member

    I was anticipating reading about the Beale case. It turned out to be something different and far worse than circumventing some ridiculous antiquities laws, and creating some fake provenances.
    C-B-D likes this.
  8. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Agreed. There plenty of adult deviants out there that will tend to weird and creepy acts. Why ruin a kids life? Should be a capital offense in my book.

    I been messing around on the ballfields with kids since the 1990’s. I’m too old to coach anymore but I still like being out there and will sometimes umpire for the baseball kids or run chains for football. Twenty years ago the league made it mandatory for anyone that crosses over from spectator to being on the field has to undergo annual background checks. For years that aggravated me. Not anymore.
  9. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    What bothers me most is that, this guy was not only flying under the radar, but he was hovering over his targets the whole time, even at the ANA Summer Seminar.
    C-B-D and -jeffB like this.
  10. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    That man need to be properly castrated (live, awake and no anastetic) hung, gutted and shown his own beating heart ripped out of his chest... I'll stop here.. I really have issues with people like this...
  11. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Another child predator in Sacramento my home town, super disgusting! :rage: Glad to say I never went to his shop and I've never heard of him! :brb:
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  12. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    If I said what’s on my mind I’d be deleted from CT permanently.
  13. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Don't do that CN, you know what is worse. The state assembly's are trying to re-label them minor attracted persons, instead of the pedos they are.
    Collecting Nut likes this.
  14. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    This discussion has no future on this forum, but if a "news source" is telling you "state assemblies" are doing this, you'd do well to delete it from your bookmarks. They're trying to wind you up, not inform you.
  15. Tall Paul

    Tall Paul Supporter! Supporter

    These creeps steal childhood from their victims. I have heard that in a prison hierarchy they are the lowest of the low are lucky to live for their full sentence.
    masterswimmer likes this.
  16. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Supporter! Supporter

    Nothing shocks me anymore. Not surprised at all. The sad thing is that this kind of behavior is becoming more .Gov tolerated. MAPs (you know what that means, and if not, look it up) will soon be the next protected class. ADA approved. All republics end up failing, look at Rome. So better collect all the coins you can before they all become Yuan. No one wants to fake theirs. :eek:
  17. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    I have my sources, and yes they are trying to change the names because pedo is too condescending. It's not worth arguing over.
    Barney McRae likes this.
  18. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    You gotta pound on them. Hockey stick on the back of the legs
  19. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Supporter! Supporter

    I didn't know that name was allowed here. And here I tried to tip toe around that. Thanks for calling it out for what it is. lol
    Cheech9712 likes this.
  20. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Surely you mean "inner front top"?
    Cheech9712 and Barney McRae like this.
  21. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Supporter! Supporter

    We REALLY need a "smack board" subforum. I have a suspicion most of us are like minded and would really have some fun there. :p
    Cheech9712 likes this.
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