What's the rarest coin you own? This can be mintage-wise or survival-wise. My rarest coin mintage-wise is I think my 1888-S Morgan Dollar that I miraculously found in the bottom of someone's change jar. Mintage 657000. My rarest coin survival-wise is my 1842-O Dime. PCGS has survival estimates at 400 coins. The one I have survived - barely. I'll post pics later, but I would love to see yours!
Couple of classic commemoratives with mintages under 10,000.........the rare part starts with the condition.......
Here's my 1819 quarter. Supposedly it's rated as an R.5-, meaning there's around 75 of them. A perfect example of supply and demand. If it was a 1909 S VDB it would probably be worth $500+, and PCGS estimates there's 50,000 of them. I spent around $75 on the quarter and there's about 75 of them...
What variety is it? @NSP Also, if that quarter was as popular as the '09-S VDB it would be worth $333333.33, just to show how overrated the '09-S VDB is. If my 1842-O dime had the demand the 1909-S VDB had, I would have $62500 sitting on my desk right now. But no seriously, what variety is it? I want one.
Tough question. I looked through some pics and came up with this. Sorry for the bad, early pic and scuffed slab. Probably the rarest that I can document. 1903 proof had a mintage of 2558.
The New Brunswick Half Cent coins were made in error by the Royal Mint and the majority were melted; those that survived were believed to have been mixed in with the Nova Scotia Half Cent shipment (several thousand are believed to exist)
Annia Faustina, 3rd wife of Elagabalus. Augusta, 221 CE. Isinda, Pisidia, AE 26 mm. Obv: ANNIAN FAVCTEINAN, Dr. bust of Faustina r. Rev: Confronted heads of Serapis and Isis, in field, E-Delta (yr. 4 ). Ex Lindgren I, ex von Aulock, Pisidia I 833 (Plate coin, only one other example known [see Wildwinds], to which this is a die-match).
1865 $5 liberty NGC AU58, PCGS estimates there are 30-40 known, picked it up from a gold refinery that was going to melt it down and turn it into jewelry
My rarest mintage is an 1893 PR Indian Cent (2195) My rarest variety is an 1820 O-104 R4+ (estimated 81-120 survivors)
Not super rare I guess. But a harder one. 1946 Australian Penny, mintage 363,000. Lowest mintage. Proof 1960 South African Shilling, mintage 3,360.
Here is a list of a few of my rarer coins: Mozambique 1 Metical - 1982 - mintage - 32,000 Turkey 50 Kurus - 1979 - mintage - 20,000 Cambodia 20 Sen - 1959 - mintage - 1,000,4000
Because there is a very high demand and they only made 484,000 of them. That seems like a lot but consider how many probably have been melted and that in 1982, they made more than 12,000,000,000 cents!
It is the Browning-1 die marriage, the rarest of the four marriages of 1819. The B-4 is rated as R.4+, so it's a little more common, but it tends to sell significantly higher. The B-4 is a lot more recognizable though, because the date is partially obscured by big die cracks on the later strikes.