What happened here?

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by kevin McGonigal, Nov 17, 2022.

  1. kevin McGonigal

    kevin McGonigal Well-Known Member

    I may get bounced or banned from this site for writing this but in the hope that something positive for the site and those who post here may come about, here goes. I know something happened here several months ago about some controversial postings and a resultant disappearance of a number of members from the site, some by choice and others by fiat. As I look at the postings now, compared to the previous six months or so I have notice what appears to me to be quite a change to the kinds of postings we have today, what I would characterize as insipid. I seem to recall that many of the postings use to be very serious and detailed posts, heavy on the historical aspects of numismatics and the scholarly research being done on archaeology and forensic metrology of coinage along with references to historical texts and scientific research. I am sorry to say that what we seem to have now is little more than "look at what I have" and my coins are bigger than your coins. I have looked around for other sites but they are nowhere near as good as this one used to be for serious numismatic research and writing. I know the automatic response here will be to circle the wagons and defend the site but I would hope that members and those who run it would take a look at what used to be common here, ancient numismatic and historical scholarship, and what is now, what seems to me, to have become a very pedestrian platform for display of one's coinage with little effort to place it in its historical and scientific context. I think what we need here is what used to be called an "examination of conscience" and a firm purpose of amendment. To present writers and posters here on this site offended, or even angered, I apologize for that but I have done so in the hope that it is still possible to get some of those earlier posters who were of a scholarly bent back on here. One last point. I am sure that I will be told to find another site. I have tried and not found one as good as this one used to be.
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  3. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    Well, all I can say is:

    "I can't disagree."
    Spark1951 and Inspector43 like this.
  4. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    I'm not sure what you are asking the site to do. It's hard to follow what you posted.
    Voldemort likes this.
  5. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I agree with Kevin to some extent. I like the "look what I found" and "my latest acquisition" posts. But I have seen enough potential mint errors that look like they were found in a parking lot. Too many new members are using the forum to do research for them. I have started to just skip over those.
  6. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    Let me see if I can express my thoughts in a coherent manner. I like collecting Ancient coins just for the sake of holding them and doing research for my own benefit. I do love the history and read most anything history related that comes my way. Like Kevin said, it's nice to read what others have researched which then helps my investigations and study. But I'm not good at that and have no desire to pen a study about my research. As a military officer I had to write briefs, white papers and operational research. I never enjoyed it as a military officer. I'm not a scholar and I'm not a student any longer.
  7. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    It's been like that for years and years!
    I think that Kevin was just making reference about the Ancient Coins forum.. ;)

    I'm always on the Error Coins forum and I don't really see that many likes or comments from the Ancient members :bored:
  8. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Thanks @paddyman98 I learn something almost every day here.
    paddyman98 likes this.
  9. Roerbakmix

    Roerbakmix Well-Known Member

    There has been a schism following some non-numismatic comments. Many prolific posters, including myself, have moved to https://www.numisforums.com/, which is a lively forum with in depth threads as were common here.

    I post there as well, but check CT once in a while, as do many other members on the other forum.

    I'm not sure whether it is allowed to post a link to another forum, if not, I'll remove the link.
    DonnaML, Alegandron, Harry G and 3 others like this.
  10. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    I can't claim to understand why some members were banned, but AFAIK, a banning only follows warnings except in egregious cases. Many members fled to the numisforums website and I wish them well. My main focus...uh...I don't really have one, i do enjoy ancient coins and would like to see more on CT as in the "old" days, but numisforums is just too directed for my scattered brain.
  11. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    I haven't bought a new coin since, around May, and I haven't felt the need to post it or share it since it wouldn't get many replies. I've transitioned more to one of my other hobbies since it's much more affordable. Ancients deals have become much more scarce, for me, since covid.

    I've also been getting more neglected work done to my house, so that's also eaten up some hobby $, as well as "inflation".

    I still post here and enjoy seeing any new purchases others have made.
  12. The Meat man

    The Meat man Well-Known Member

    @kevin McGonigal I think you answered your question - most of the regulars here have left and that's why this forum is less active. It's unfortunate - I didn't and don't intend to take sides on the issue that led to the split - but it is what it is.

    I'm still an amateur when it comes to ancient coins, so I'm afraid I won't be able to contribute much in the way of scholarly articles and write-ups! But I do very much enjoy the threads here, seeing new coins, etc., even if there's not a ton of historical research given. If a coin interests me I will research its history myself anyway.

    I do encourage you to join over at NumisForums - there is a lot more discussion over there, with plenty of very scholarly members (of course, you know them!)
    Voldemort and kevin McGonigal like this.
  13. hotwheelsearl

    hotwheelsearl Well-Known Member

    I used to do semi-scholarly write ups but these days I don’t have the motivation I once did with the state of this site. Oh well.
    kevin McGonigal likes this.
  14. kevin McGonigal

    kevin McGonigal Well-Known Member

    I joined about two months ago and have posted several articles there.
    The Meat man likes this.
  15. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Everyone likes to be challenged, and that is why we have to maybe put a little more effort into explaining and education that we used to.
    I have never been the one to write an educational post here. But if that is what this site needs then I am game to try and give better description to the coins I post.
    I miss everyone that left. Even Thee' Furry Frog. The teachers that helped build the Ancients side took their ball and went home.
    Ed Snible and sand like this.
  16. kirispupis

    kirispupis Well-Known Member

    I hope to not get in trouble for this response, but I'm one of the many that has moved to NumisForums. It's a great site with a number of experts in various subjects. I've learned a lot from moving there.

    In terms of why I stopped posting here, let's just say
    • Discussions about ancient coins shouldn't be political
    • But the owners of this site chose to be political in their actions
    • Adding to the fury was the fact that I didn't agree with this political stance
    ValiantKnight and DonnaML like this.
  17. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    I have a different perspective of what happened. But be that as may be, I have many friends that migrated to the other site. They remain friends as far as I'm concerned. But I have to wonder why so many that migrated seem to think it is alright to come back to CT to keep the controversy alive.

    I have no problem telling others there are more experts and scholarly posts elsewhere.
  18. kevin McGonigal

    kevin McGonigal Well-Known Member

    No hard feelings here, just a sense of loss at what I thought was a wonderful community of coin collectors helping each other to learn more about the people whose coins and artifacts we cherish. I still check in at least once a day and keep hoping that some of the old gang might have decided to come back and reembark on that argosy once more. I am not going to proselytize for a different site, just saddened by the loss of the former colloquy we once had.
    Kentucky likes this.
  19. kevin McGonigal

    kevin McGonigal Well-Known Member

    No hard feelings here, just a sense of loss at what I thought was a wonderful community of coin collectors helping each other to learn more about the people whose coins and artifacts we cherish. I still check in at least once a day and keep hoping that some of the old gang might have decided to come back and reembark on that argosy once more. I am not going to proselytize for a different site, just saddened by the loss of the former colloquy we once had.
    Kentucky likes this.
  20. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    Kentucky likes this.
  21. robinjojo

    robinjojo Well-Known Member

    I used to be much more active on this forum, but the relatively new forum Numis Forums, has grabbed my attention and consumed almost all of my online time. I do miss the members who are here, and I tried, in my inadequate way, to stay in touch, but I find that creating a thread here as well as there just isn't feasible for me.

    Yes, I see a shift in the dynamics here and I wish it was otherwise. Some major contributors, many longstanding have left, but with time perhaps the gaps will be filled by others.

    I do like the layout of the other forum. It is easy to navigate, create threads and post images. The comradery is very good.
    DonnaML and Kentucky like this.
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