Despite some members disagreeing with me, the browser that you use, makes a huge difference. I started out using Google Chrome but, got locked out. I switched to Firefox and was able to complete the purchase of a Silver Eagle. It wasn't easy, because the Mint's website is so crappy that I got to the point where it was suppose to populate my saved CC as the payment method and "Oops! An error occurred!". I also got to the point where I clicked 'Place Order' and got the error message or even got logged out. The one saving grace seems to be, once you placed an item in your shopping bag, it'll be there until you checked out. Also, using Firefox, I was never asked to prove that I was a human being. Firefox was slow but, it did work. However, after I was done. I tried to check my order status but, the website was still doing the 'Funky chicken'. I switched to Microsoft Edge and noticed that the pages loaded or refreshed very quickly. I'm thinking that the best browser to use might actually be one that I didn't try until much later, MS Internet Explorer. I work with the government a lot and have noticed that many of their websites are partial to IE. As a matter of fact, a lot of government organizations tell you to IE, because it's the only browser that's certified to work on their website and there have been reports of some browsers not working correctly on their website. I just experienced such an incident today when I was using a DoD website and it started acting up. I was trying to figure out why it was acting up, I read the instructions that were provided with the link and it warned that IE should be used as Chrome and Firefox were proven to give unpredictable results. I switched to IE and was able to complete my work without any issues at all. We have some more winners coming up on Monday (Nov 9th) and also on the 17th. I think the 17th will be a nightmare. I you don't have multiple browsers on your device, you should as well as bookmarking the pages for the upcoming products so, you can go right to them, with a minimum of clicks.
I can agree with you but under any other circumstances there are zero issues with Chrome on the mint website. Only when they do a sale like this with a very hot item does it happen.
I'm done with the mint no "W" Unc nickel, now this....Just after my by-pass I gave my daughter all my ASEs missing only the 1995-W at that time.
I used Chrome when making my purchase. Next time I may use IE from my desktop computer and see if things go smoother.
My order for the silver privy was completed with Chrome. I also got the oops, and the lockout. But it did complete. As a matter of fact, it went to shipped status yesterday. Maybe my successful outcome is anecdotal to using Chrome, or maybe yours is to using Firefox or IE. I can't say either way. What I can say is we were both successful using different browsers.
Most likely, switching from any browser to any other browser would have the same effect. The "cookies" that sites use to keep track of your activity are stored by the browser; if you go in with a different browser, you get a different "session", with a new set of cookies. I was trying to get through with Safari (a very out-of-date version) and Firefox (up-to-date). One of them landed me in the Captcha trap, but the other didn't; I don't remember which was which.
I use ghostery and noscript extensions for firefox. I have never seen a captcha at the us mint website. I can only imagine the captcha gets bypassed somehow by one or both of those extensions. I got got the dreaded ban this morning after my second refresh. Switching browsers didn't help, nor did switching to a different computers on the same network. It seems kind of silly because anybody using a bots to purchase en masse will assuredly be using a VPN (virtual private network) also.
It seems unlikely -- instead of bypassing the captcha, you'd just get blocked. Yesterday was the first time I'd seen it. I suspect they're trying some new things to deal with surges. Yesterday's suite of "new things" was... unsuccessful.
There can really only be ONE reason for what happened Thursday. Mint management does not care. Not even the eensiest, weensiest, tiny little bit. Zero care. Don't like it? Screw you. As simple as that. FWIW, I tried every browser named here (save Safari) on my laptop and the only thing that finally worked for me was whatever crappy browser I have on my Samsung Galaxy phone. Never would have thought that the mobile phone was the way to go, but there it is. And as I and others have noted, their backend connection for retrieving your card information from their database and populating the appropriate fields was apparently designed by a very bright chimpanzee. After I figured that out, and just manually entered everything . . . all went well. Going forward, I think that is the only way to go.
I managed 1 silver after all the Chaos was over. I checked my order and this time they got my address right. I hold the distinction of returning the only coin to the mint from last years ASE fiasco...
Ok, so I lied and I didn't cancel my Mint subscriptions (yet, LOL) and decided to try for the WWII medal this morning. TBH, I love the design. My husband is a WWII history nut. I decided to use my phone, cellular signal only, no Wifi. I used my US Mint text alert link to get to the product. For whatever reason, I got one, even though it didn't look like I would more than once. This time, my son did not get one -- he said he got banned. There were no captchas today, or "mark every image that is a bike", thank god. I overthink the images, and I know I get them wrong because they are so hard to tell! It did appear that Cloudflare was verifying my browser, but that was all I noticed. We will be trying for the Mayflower set next week, but I'm sure that will be even more chaotic? And to be clear, I keep my stuff. I'm thrilled to get one. I'm not flipping it for a profit. Most likely, my son will inherit my crap someday, and if he wants to sell it, then so be it. I won't know, or care. Note: It populated my credit card info. I didn't have to re-enter it this time.
Thanks for that info. Maybe they figured some things out from last week's clown show. Would have been nice if they had executed a dry run . . . but I have a strong feeling that none of these clowns ever ONCE try using their own website to order anything - and especially never tried to stumbleguess their way though those ridiculous GOTCHA images.
Another frustrating morning. After a few failures to get the checkout page to load, I made it all the way to the confirm button and even had the dialog box showing do not hit refresh or the back button while we confirm your order. Only to get a mint page stating that the page I was looking for didn’t exist and that was all she wrote. Could not get back into the catalog for the next ten minutes. The medal was still in my bag and “unavailable”. No email confirmation of order received. No soup for me. Rick L.
No soup for me either. They just tease me as I have had the 20XE, 20XF and 20XG all in my cart at different times but its a no go on the Confirm Order.
I was one of the lucky ones, twice. I nailed the V75 that i was advised shipped yesterday. Then, Also yesterday, I nailed the WW11 medal 12 minutes into the sale. Must be the Florida sunshine.
I was able to get one silver coin (gold out of my league) by taking the insanity route. Kept refreshing, and for some reason, my account forwarded bit by bit until I was finally able to purchase the coin. Used PayPal and it worked the first time (after 20 minutes of bit-by-bit advancement). This coin is now my daughter's in the very near future along with quite a few other American, German, and Welsh coins (heritage/history).
I wanted to get the 75 coins, but my wife had me out looking a material to resurface out living room furniture. I missed the other 2 coins, too. Again, my wife took center seat and I didn't get home until after 2PM. I guess I didn't want them as much as I would rather be with my wife. Anyway, we're both in our 70's and coins aren't as important as being together. I never know how much longer we can be together.
[wife holds up a bolt of clothe] Wife: Do you like this pattern? Husband: Yeah, looks fine. Wife: No, I don't like it. rinse, repeat.