Tristen's Copper & Nickel Finds

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by tristen1230, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. tristen1230

    tristen1230 New Member

    Box 4 - 2 Rolls

    20 of the 50 rolls were already sorted and machine wrapped.
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  3. tristen1230

    tristen1230 New Member

    Got 5 boxes today! All good!

    Box 1 - 7 Rolls!
  4. tristen1230

    tristen1230 New Member

    Box 2 - 3 Rolls

    Box 3 - I think most of the rolls were already searched. Was from a new bank. 2 Rolls.
  5. tristen1230

    tristen1230 New Member

    Box 4 - Whole box of already searched rolls.
  6. tristen1230

    tristen1230 New Member

    Last Box - 4 Rolls
  7. tristen1230

    tristen1230 New Member

    Well fun day yesterday. Picked up 6 boxes, 2 were bran new ones. So dumped some boxes and the first bank and went to the second to dump $90 in nickels which I actually dumped $300 the week before no questions. So the lady today says she cannot accept coins because I was not a customer with RBC. I just said okay and next week I will be signing up for a debit card. So went to the next bank first time ordering nickels and the assistant manager came up to me and said I needed to pay an extra of $8 per box if I still wanted to order. I said no thank you. 3rd bank so far rejecting to get me nickels so now I am going to sign up with RBC and BMO.

    1st box - 6 Rolls!
  8. tristen1230

    tristen1230 New Member

    2nd box - 4 rolls
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