TNA Coin Show

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Coin-Dude, May 31, 2019.

  1. Coin-Dude

    Coin-Dude Active Member

    Anyone going to be at the TNA show in Arlington, TX this weekend?
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  3. okbustchaser

    okbustchaser I may be old but I still appreciate a pretty bust Supporter

    Great show. Although I won't be there this year due to family issues I highly recommend it.

    Edit to add: Does anyone really think that a person named Bustchaser would normally miss a TNA show?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  4. okbustchaser

    okbustchaser I may be old but I still appreciate a pretty bust Supporter

    Did anyone end up going? How was it? I hated missing it for the first time in the past 18 years.
    green18 likes this.
  5. scott.french3

    scott.french3 Well-Known Member

    I went on Saturday morning. I was looking for some specific type coins and didn't have any luck with those. So, I changed up my focus and picked up a $2 1/2 gold Indian and upgraded my Morgan type to a 1979-S Morgan in MS65. Got both at decent prices from different dealers.
    okbustchaser and Coin-Dude like this.
  6. Coin-Dude

    Coin-Dude Active Member

    I went Friday after lunch.
    It seemed to be fairly crowded and several dealers I spoke with were happy with the turnout.
    There were a couple of interesting exhibits as well.
    One on early silver commemoratives where they displayed one of each type.
    And a very interesting history of Valentine’s half dime collection/attribution.
    I always go straight to the exhibits.
    Very well done this year.
    okbustchaser likes this.
  7. Dave Waterstraat

    Dave Waterstraat Well-Known Member

    I went on Friday. Managed to pick up a few goodies and yeah, I enjoyed the exhibits as well.
    okbustchaser, Coin-Dude and green18 like this.
  8. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    I was there Friday and Saturday, both looking for stuff AND as a volunteer (I belong to two of the host clubs, so I gave two shifts).

    Didn't find a lot, but I did find a Mexican 8R and a pair of Bolivian (4S and 8S) for my coins in circulation collection.
    okbustchaser and Coin-Dude like this.
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