The Toning Premium Thread

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Lehigh96, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    So Numsimedia Wholesale and PCGS Price Guide are both $115 for this coin. I am going to go on the high side and say 15X Wholesale. If the colors are anywhere near as vibrant as the photo makes them appear, this coin is a rare bird indeed. My guess is $1725.
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  3. Kryptonitecomic

    Kryptonitecomic New Member

    I am going to guess you paid $1200 but knowing your spending habits I am going to assume I am going low lol :) I would guestimate the value at around probably 5x to 6X guide based on knowing how rare DMPLs are with color so that would be something like $150 X $600 or around $900
  4. oval_man

    oval_man Elliptical member

    Schweet. Others are making more educated guesses than I am. $600, which is about 6x Greysheet.
  5. Duke Kavanaugh

    Duke Kavanaugh The Big Coin Hunter

  6. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    I will go $850 here looks reasonable at that price :)
  7. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    some people are going be surprised lol
  8. cerdsalicious

    cerdsalicious BigShot

    that's what I would spend
  9. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    I'm guessing you stole this one for about $350 .
  10. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    ill post the price tomorrow morning :)
  11. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    Well no one got it right but cerdsalicious was the closest. I paid $3,500 for it 2 years ago.
  12. Kryptonitecomic

    Kryptonitecomic New Member

    See I knew my guess would be low.....bottom line is if you have the money and thats what you had to spend to get a coin you wanted badly then you paid what it was worth too you. I believe in today's market it would be difficult to get your money out of the coin but I can say that I have never really considered resale values when I buy coins either so there are times where I sold coins for some pretty solid losses. Doesn't really matter when you don't plan on selling :)
  13. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    i have 5 people beating down my door trying to pry this from my hands for a hefty profit.

    Lloyds been trying to get it from me for over a year now :D
  14. oval_man

    oval_man Elliptical member

    You're right about that!
  15. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    mostly all the top shelf piece morgans go for $2500+
  16. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    So Lehigh started this thread as an educational tool. We have had 60 pages of examples so far. What is the takeaway? Is there any rhyme or reason to be gleaned from these examples?

    I see a few people talk about relative rarity of a date or a series for color, or a color, but guesses still seem to be wildly across the board. Are toner collectors saying that the entire redbook would need to be replicated, and every date and color be given a rarity factor? If that is the case, then why so wildly varied prices? If not, is the price of a toned coin strictly based upon the competition between two buyers on a certain day?

    I am just wondering if something is summarizable here yet, or if it ever will be. My confidence in this market has not improved by the last 60 pages. I appreciate the thread, and Lehigh's intent, I am just not getting the feeling that there is a fundamental basis to these prices. Maybe I am just missing it.

  17. seasnake

    seasnake Junior Member

    Chris, I believe you are spot on, there is no rhyme or reason with toners. I concentrate on toners and look at hundreds weekly so I have a fairly good idea about the market and have done fairly well with my guesses but was wildly off on this one, on any givin day........ A beautiful green morgan is a work of art on top of a work of art, how can you put a price on that? Recently someone paid a bazillion bucks for a ming vase, a friggin flower holder so go figure. If I've taken anything away from this thread it is that I am not the only crazy person collecting toned coins for silly money. Next coin please.
  18. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    try finding a DMPL with any sort of color. I can count on one hand the amount of nicely toned DMPLs, which IMO the one i acquired the nicest out of the lot even if it isnt graded the highest.

    heres another one to wrap your head around :)

    NGC MS66PL*

  19. Simms

    Simms Tactile History

  20. Kryptonitecomic

    Kryptonitecomic New Member


    I don't think this thread is ever going to change opinions as far as buying or not buying toned coins. Those that are addicted to color will still shell out large premiums if necessary to get coins that drive them gaga. Those that want to get colorful coins for closer to guide prices will continue to get pieces that may be a bit lower in grade or quality but coins that are still attractive for the budget minded. I think some will learn a lot from this thread as they have no experience with toners and don't know the wide swings in prices and I think some will get very little based on their extensive knowledge of the toned coin market. All in all I still think it's a worth while thread with solid nuggets of info for those who dig deep enough.
  21. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    should go with your accessment from last coin shane ;). But I agree 100% its all in how much you want something!
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