Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Crobattt

    Crobattt PEACE BRO xD

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  3. tommybee

    tommybee Junior Member

    Thanks. I like finding the foreign stuff. Always cool.
  4. newcoinguy

    newcoinguy Member

    Not Roll Searching but close. I have a friend that was going to cash in his change bucket and talked him into letting me search it first. It was about 3/4 of a gallon worth of change and here is what I saved from going back into circ.

    Cents: 29-D,35,44,48-D,49-D,51-D,57-D,58-D Some for my folder 59,60,68,68-S

    Dimes: for the folder 73

    Nickels: 41-S X 2, 43-P,48,49,53-D,56-D,57-D X 2,59-D,60-D

    also found 2 really nicely purple toned cents a 79-D and 61-D

    2 Canadian quarters
    3 Canadian nickels
    1 Canadian dime
    9 Canadian cents

    And a 2000 21st century food security republic of samalia 5 scellini (weird)
  5. swiker613

    swiker613 New Member

    I found the weirdest thing in a roll of quarters its a 2004 florida quarter but it has no reeding and no rim what so ever any ideas?

    Attached Files:

  6. Crobattt

    Crobattt PEACE BRO xD

    strange, never seen anything like it before.
  7. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    Not sure, pics aren't good enough to tell if it's PMD or something else.
  8. swiker613

    swiker613 New Member

    Yea sorry my phones camera kinda sucks I'm thinking it might be a broad strike
  9. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking too... but not sure. Make a thread in the error section for it?
  10. bobbeth87

    bobbeth87 Coin Collector

    Put that quarter in the Error section.

    What is CRH?

    I did a box yesterday....skunk
    I found $19 of loose halves at two banks and found 1 40%er.
  11. Inquisitive

    Inquisitive Starting 2 know something

    I've found TD to be very good for wheats.
  12. Inquisitive

    Inquisitive Starting 2 know something

    Interesting find

    Out of $345 in dimes yesterday:

    4 Silver Roosies (63, 57, 46, 53S!:D for the album)
    1 Merc (1940)
    3 Canadian (79, 80, 1918!!!!:yawn::eek:)

    That was a shocker.
  13. mkoenig

    mkoenig New Member

    Nothing but bad news here

    Nothing but bad news here.

    1st) When i go to pick up the 10 boxes of halves i ordered from my bank (i have a business account there) the vault manager said that "the mint" (im pretty sure she said the mint) was inquiring about the volume increase in coins ordered. This is a fairly small bank (just 2 branches). I told her we were searching and putting together a coin collection with our kids. She then asked me what I did with the rest of the coins as we've ordered 30+ boxes in the last 4-6 months. I told her I was dumping them off at another bank. I think they thought we were laundering money? I've read about this online.

    She then tells me that I'll have to start paying about $5 a box to order them as that's what they pay because of "gas".

    2.) I get the boxes home and I've opened 6 boxes and only found 1 1965 and one 1968 Half. That' means for every 3,000 coins i search i get just one $5 coin. Man, what a bummer. 4 boxes left to go, but this has been a bad week. I'd be better off buying them at a coin shop.

    Im going to change banks and tell them upfront what Im doing, If i keep my business account at a bank they should order me coins for free i what i think.

    Anyone have something similar to #1 happen to them?

    Any suggestions?
  14. Moonshine

    Moonshine ....................

    How much time is there between your order of 10 boxes? If it takes you a few weeks to sort and dump why not ease the "burden" on the vault manager and order 2-3 boxes a week? Not that you should have to being that you have a business account but that may help the situation.
  15. mkoenig

    mkoenig New Member

    Yeah I asked her what was an acceptable amount, and got the impression that there wasn't one. $5 a box is a real gamble when you are only finding 1 coin every so many boxes. That plus pickup time, and then rolling or dumping, and it's a hard decision as to whether or not it's even worth it. I think it would be, but it really eats into any benefit.

    I think im going to change banks and yeah maybe like you say order a few boxes a week so as to not be to disturbing, im also moving to a larger bank, these little hometown banks really frown on this sort of thing. Many of the people working there have helped to found the bank from what I gather, and just like every other business they are in it for the money. "no pun intended" :)
  16. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    From what I've read here, the banks actually have to pay a fee to order boxes. I have no problem with them either passing along that fee, or declining to order more.

    I understand and share the enthusiasm here for searching rolls -- heck, who wouldn't like getting silver or other collectibles at face value? -- but if we don't keep track of the externalized costs of our hobby, we'll find we're no longer welcome to pursue it. There's a limit to how much time banks will spend supporting "customers" that provide no revenue.
  17. mkoenig

    mkoenig New Member

    Yeah i agree will take more care, but I do provide revenue i have a business account with a decent balance.

    I'm ok with paying a fee, but i would rather avoid it if possible. I'm going to be upfront with the new bank and see if we can't come to some sort of agreement, even if its just 2-5 boxes a month.

    Ok ill post the other box results later. Let's hope they are better than the last ones. :)
  18. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Good luck! I've had better results with CWRs than most of the box-hunters here -- but, of course, it's hard to find CWRs 50 at a time, and if you do, it's usually bad news. :)
  19. Moonshine

    Moonshine ....................

    I remember reading similar info but I don't think the banks get charged on a per box basis. If a bank gets deliveries twice a week and each delivery has 2-3 boxes of each denomination why would they charge a business account holding customer $5 per box of halves? I can definitely see ordering 10 boxes at a time ruffling someone's feathers though...especially at 25 lbs per box!

    mkoenig- Call the bank and speak to someone else at the bank and tell them your situation and explain that rather than ordering 10 at a time, you'd like to order 2 boxes a week. See if that changes their mind about charging you for "gas." If they don't bend tell them that you'd like to close your business account with them...not that you will but you can bluff.

    Worst case, this bank now becomes your dump bank from the 10 boxes you get from another bank. :D
  20. AgentX

    AgentX New Member

    Picked up eight CWRs and got 3 40%ers.

    Working through a box of dimes and a box of cents this week until I can get my next batch of halves.
  21. mkoenig

    mkoenig New Member

    Haha thanks AgentX, but i really am moving, mostly because they have a crappy web interface that has caused accounting nightmares.

    Im in western nc by the way. What general area are you in?
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