Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. bantha421

    bantha421 Active Member

    The method I like to use for testing for a coin for a possible transitional planchet, is flipping it with your thumb. Take a known silver clad, and a known nickel/copper clad and flip them, compare the sound to other coins in question. Silver in the coins seems to have a brighter and louder*ping* sound.

    Same method works for silver nickels, copper vs zinc pennies, etc. I do also use a very sensitive scale, but only when the sound test is not applicable or possible.
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  3. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    So if you think you have a rare wrong planchet error, you bounce the coin on a table?
  4. Whistler's brother

    Whistler's brother Well-Known Member

    Found this real old penny in a roll today! Wish it had a MM
    020.jpg 019.jpg
    Michael K and -jeffB like this.
  5. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    When I see a coin from the teens, I still sometimes find myself thinking "wow, that's almost a hundred years old!" :oldman:
    Cheech9712 likes this.
  6. bantha421

    bantha421 Active Member

    No I flick it in the air with my thumb and catch it like a 1930's gangster, cigarette and fedora not included.
    I guess you could drop it on a hard surface, but that would just potentially damage the coin and the table.

    I have never once found a wrong planchet error, and the odds are slim to none for finding one in the wild. If I came across an absolute mint condition coin that I suspected might be a planchet error. Then I may rely solely on a scale. But when the difference in weight can be a few tenths of a gram off and the coin has some wear, I am more inclined to go off sound along with weight.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  7. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    GF picked up 2 rolls and I picked up 2 rolls. Halfway through her first roll I have 3 looks at a W (and 1 from Walmart) andI pulled out this S proof Block Island. The photo shows some rim issues on the reverse, but in hand the luster is TREMENDOUS on both sides. Also, while all the W's have a 2 million mintage this one is only 634,936. Any other finds I will post them. 5 looks at a W in the first roll and I pulled out a near mint Glacier as well. More finds coming. block 2.png
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2024
    halvessearcher likes this.
  8. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    Going through her second roll pulled out another S proof Apostle Islands. Mintage only 618,253. They made reg business strikes of both these, but the luster is too strong they are proofs. AI3.png
    halvessearcher and SensibleSal66 like this.
  9. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    Going through her 2nd roll pulled this S proof Fort Moultrie 654,516 minted.
    I've gone months, years, without hitting an S. They don't have the mirror finish, but the luster and details in hand are just too powerful for a regular business strike S. Which would still be 800,000 mintage on these.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2024
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  10. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Well-Known Member

    Been a bit slow on silver finds in half dollars. The last 5 box hunts has only yielded,
    2-40% silver
    1- 1935 George IV One Penny (2nd one in 2-3 weeks)
    Not sure what this "gold colored" looking bicentennial is about.
    Still saving NIFC's I find, not sure why though.
  11. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    That Bicentennial coin looks like a gold-plated coin that's circulated enough to wear through some of the plating. Pretty sure that's exactly what it is.
  12. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Well-Known Member

    Great, thank you for the information.
  13. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

    A dozen nickel rolls at a local Florida bank
    First 5 rolls, 5 Buffalos
    No name on the wrappers
    Now to search the rest
    IMG_1209.jpeg IMG_1210.jpeg IMG_1211.jpeg IMG_1212.jpeg
  14. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

    And 2 more Buffs
    So 7 total in 13 rolls
    Nothing great but 5 cents each IMG_1213.jpeg IMG_1214.jpeg
  15. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Well-Known Member

    Found this 1986 S commemorative half dollar today. Nice little surprise, didn't know it existed. Also found 4-40%ers.
    IMG_20240112_210501.jpg IMG_20240112_210551.jpg IMG_20240112_210637.jpg
    Cheech9712, -jeffB, Michael K and 4 others like this.
  16. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Well-Known Member

    Recent dime box hunt.
    1959 Rosey
    1997 PTAS coin is from Spain from best I can tell. Never seen one of these before. The black portion is not a shadow, it's staining on the coin.
    Mr. Numismatist and -jeffB like this.
  17. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Well-Known Member

    I got cheated out of a dollar!!
    Just kidding, all though worthless pretty much, I kept these Hop Along Cassidy Good Luck tokens. These were not in same box, they were actually found a couple months apart. Pretty interesting to find these especially considering how little they weigh, seems like the machine would have rejected them. Never know what will turn up in a roll.
  18. Mr. Numismatist

    Mr. Numismatist Strawberry Token Enthusiast

    Yes, it's from Spain, but not just any coin from Spain, it's a circulating commemorative coin! PTAS is short for Pesetas.

    Once I found a plastic dime in a roll of cents! :mad: :D
    -jeffB and Dustin McDaniel like this.
  19. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Who was that guy. Movie star?
  20. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Well-Known Member

    William Boyd is the actor who played Hopalong Cassidy in an old Western.
    Cheech9712 likes this.
  21. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

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