Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Patrick M

    Patrick M Razor edge MD

    $25 BWR pennies

    - 17 wheats 1912-D, 1926-D and the rest 40's and 50's

    - 14 "s" mint ('68 - '73)

    - 2 Canadian '57, '73

    - Denver Treasury Mint token

    - 2000 Wide AM

    - 1995 1c WDDO-006 20170324_123642.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
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  3. Christobal

    Christobal Well-Known Member

    Nice finds! Can you post a better photo of your DD? I've been hunting for one for years, but I'm still looking. :)
  4. Patrick M

    Patrick M Razor edge MD

    I'm sorry, it's a 2015 1c WDDO-006.
    Not in the best shape but still a nice find.
    20170323_220953.jpg 20170320_213227.jpg 20170320_213321.jpg 20170320_213355.jpg 20170320_213426.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  5. Christobal

    Christobal Well-Known Member

    Hmm. Yes it seems to be slightly doubled, but a borderline case for sure.

    I usually toss back the "thicker" doubles. If the overlap isn't sharp, I figure it isn't worth saving. But hey, what do I know? :)

    My Dad had a strong RDD 1983. Very cool find. He also has a weak 1972 ODD. I haven't found any DD in a while. Just a weak ODD 1955 2 years ago.

    I remember finding a very strong ODD 1972 when I was a kid, but I tossed it, not realizing the value of such a thing back then. Sigh.
  6. Patrick M

    Patrick M Razor edge MD

    Yeah, I know what your saying. My pics are not the best...I know. But having the coin in hand all the markers suggest it's the 2015 1c WDDO-006. Better seen on the date and liberty.
    I read somewhere that it's best seen if the light comes from the north west. I read that after I took these pics...I'll try different pics this weekend.

    I'm on the hunt for the 1972, the big DD...I really wanna find it. I could buy it but it's not the same thing...
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  7. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    My girlfriend and I each have 3 boxes of halves to do tonight. I got off work early and can't wait to open them. She has to work a few more hours but just told me she can't wait to open them too. The anticipation is killing me!
  8. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    15 cwr of nickels... two from the 40's, two cents, and a dime.
    $32 in halves... nothing.
  9. CoinZone

    CoinZone Active Member

    Couple of CWRs from my local bank:
    2 rolls of dollars: mostly Sacs and Presidential Dollars but found 4 very nice BU SBAs 1979 and 1980

    2 rolls of nickels : nothing worth mentioning

    2 Rolls of Lincoln Cents: Found 3 beautiful 2017 Ps
    A 2009 Lincoln Formative Year
    1 Canadian 1996
    1 Wheatie 1944
    Only have found a few 2009 Lincolns in the wild.
  10. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    It took three boxes to get over an ounce of silver but I'll take it. Th WL was nice too. IMG_0633.JPG
  11. calishield

    calishield Well-Known Member

    Cha-Ching! Beauty too
  12. afm1982

    afm1982 Miami has the Dolphins...

    I found one 1970-D
  13. calishield

    calishield Well-Known Member

    Awesome! There's hope yet..
  14. CoinZone

    CoinZone Active Member

    Glad to see you are still enjoying the hunt. Nice WL. Still looking for my first one.
    Bman33 likes this.
  15. NLL

    NLL Well-Known Member

    I found one 5 or six months ago. It's my favorite coin find. I'm not sure if I ever posted a picture, but if not here it is. They are still out there so good luck CoinZone! 20160827_141548.jpg 20160827_141620.jpg
    Mad Stax, Bman33, calishield and 2 others like this.
  16. Robby Bee

    Robby Bee Member

    The first time out, I found two 1970-D's in BU, along with $30 face in 40%. It's what got me hooked on CRH.
  17. sodbuster

    sodbuster Junior Member

    1 box of pennies yielded 9 wheats (a 1917), and 1 cdn.
    2 CWR halves yielded 4x40%
    berto and Bman33 like this.
  18. softmentor

    softmentor Well-Known Member

    that's a beauty!
  19. AllCoExpat

    AllCoExpat Well-Known Member

    $25 CWR Cents: 488 coppers and zilch on wheats.

    $114 CWR Nickels: 1923, 1939 (x5), 1940 (x4), 1940-S, 1941 (x5), 1942, 1946 (x4), 1947, 1948 (x2), 1949 (x2), 1951, 1952, 1953 (x4), 1953-D (x3), 1954, 1954-D (x5), 1956 (x4), 1956-D, 1957, 1957-D (x6), 1958-D (x8), 1959 (x2), 1959-D (x6). Most came out of four rolls the teller said an old guy brought in because he was "tired of holding them." Promised to give them a good home.

    $100 CWR Dimes: 1964-D

    $.50 loose Half - 1995-D

    Image-1 (1).jpg
    Mad Stax, Ron Henry, NLL and 3 others like this.
  20. Christobal

    Christobal Well-Known Member

    This week's hunting...

    2 CWR Quarters: skunked

    4 CWR Dimes: skunked

    9 CWR Nickels: 1940, 1941, 1953, 1957 - none worth keeping

    5 CWR Cents: 2 wheatbacks

    Box 1 of BWR Cents: 23 wheatbacks, 18 Canadians.

    Box 2 of BWR Cents: 16 wheatbacks, 10 Canadians, 1 Bermuda cent. One of the Canadians was a 1947 George.

    Cents results combined:

    1930, 1935, 1940-D, (3) 1941 (one bad), 1943, (6) 1944, 1944-S, (2) 1945, (3) 1946, (2) 1948, 1949, 1950, 1950-S, (2) 1951, 1952-D, 1953-D, (2) 1955, (3) 1956 (one circle cut), (3) 1956-D, 1957, (2) 1957-D, (2) 1958-D (one bad), (2) 1969-S, (2) 1970-S, 1971-S, (2) 1972-S, 1973-S, 1974-S.

    Best finds:

    20170326_152549.jpg 20170326_152603.jpg

    That's the only steelie I've found in a couple of years. It came to me in BWR box. :)
  21. calishield

    calishield Well-Known Member

    Still rolling through about $70 of CWR cents and came across a very faded 1918 D wheatie. Not sure if a pic will even show the date on it
    CoinZone likes this.
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