Post Your Morgan Dollars

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by jello, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

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  3. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Found this 1893-O In a Belt Buckle

  4. blu62vette

    blu62vette Member

    NEWP from the Houston show:


  5. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    keep posting gang!!

    Blu :thumb:Nice 1896!!!

  6. EyeEatWheaties

    EyeEatWheaties Cent Hoarder

    do people still like them when this happens?


  7. EyeEatWheaties

    EyeEatWheaties Cent Hoarder

    A belated thank you for the info. OT... with a 180mm how far is the end of the lens to a morgan? and are you completely filling the frame with the coin?

    I have an ongoing debate with myself with 150 tamron vs 180 canon - I'm currently using a 40D and an ethnically engineered lens with Canon Utilities for Live View. I prefer Reveal, then again I only shoot copper with an exception above.
  8. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    ill play.

    NGC MS67*+





    NGC MS65*+ Battle Creek


    NGC MS66*+


    NGC MS64*+



    NGC MS66*+



    PCGS MS66+



    NG MS65*+


  9. blu62vette

    blu62vette Member

    I think a 150 v 180 would be very comparable. I have limited experience with live view, none with canon but did not think it was that big of a deal. I still did not use it for focus. Check your local camera stores and see if you can rent the lenses. I know I will do that before my next body purchase.

    My gear is still packed from the Houston show, I would guess on a Morgan the 180 is 14-16 inches from the coin.
  10. cerdsalicious

    cerdsalicious BigShot

    In a belt buckle? What that's an amazing find jello
  11. cerdsalicious

    cerdsalicious BigShot

    My jaw has hit the floor.
    All hail the king of toners.
    I think Ima cry!!

  12. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    thank you for your complement, i have paid very strong for the better ones in my post.
  13. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    I love the 87 with the textile toning, and that 82-S makes me green with envy!

  14. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    Perhaps you could post one of those coins in the Toning Premium thread. Please read the OP carefully for the rules if it interests you. Thanks!

    The Toning Premium Thread
  15. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Early Xmas Dreams

    Santa?& $4360.00 Both MS-67 Stars
    2 Dream Morgan.jpg 1 Dream Moran.jpg
  16. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    both highly overpriced too
  17. thecointrader

    thecointrader Lurking Since 2006

    Long time lurker, second time posting here.

    Here's a favorite of mine...

    1884CCdolOBV.jpg 1884CCdolREV.jpg
  18. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    Wish I had a budget like that...
  19. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    With coins like that, your lurking for all this time seems quite a loss for the rest of us. Nice coin with a super nice Pedigree. Here is a pedigreed coin with outstanding surfaces.


    Keep on posting!
  20. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    I think I'm gonna try to buy as many coins as I can direct off Todd. He takes amazing photos.


    Newest acquisition courtesy of him. Thanks again, Todd!
  21. Marauderrt10

    Marauderrt10 Toners rule******

    will post my own pics when i get them in hand.


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