Post Your Biggest/Heaviest Gold (or Silver) Coin/Medal

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by 1934 Wreath Crown, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. 1934 Wreath Crown

    1934 Wreath Crown Well-Known Member

    Cow elephant :D
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  3. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    I am not a fan of modern coin design/ but that is a stunning coin, both obv./ rev.:cat:
    Hiddendragon likes this.
  4. 7Jags

    7Jags Well-Known Member

    The Panamanian 9 coin proof sets (there were 8 coin sets sans the 20 B) began in 1975 and continued through 1984 with generally diminished mintages as the years went by, and they included the 20 Balboas coin. Individual proof Balboas were made beginning in 1971, and continued through 1985; some have very beautiful designs indeed, such as the 1984.

    I have one of those 4 kilogram British Virgin Island "manhole covers" but they are small compared to the Australian 10 kg. coins - has anyone ever seen or held one of them (Chinese Horoscope designs).
    Seattlite86 likes this.
  5. princeofwaldo

    princeofwaldo Grateful To Be eX-I/T!

    per1966.09.JPG per1966.10.JPG ATTACH=full]1046006[/ATTACH]
  6. princeofwaldo

    princeofwaldo Grateful To Be eX-I/T!

    However, if diameter is the only criteria (not AGW) then the nod goes to this guy: yug1931c.JPG yug1931d.JPG
  7. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    The Yugoslavia AV 4 Dukaten is a gorgeous coin, I have same type as you/ plus the 1 Dukat/ Sword
    Here is another AV 4 Dukaten
    Austrian-Hungarian Empire
    AV 4 Dukaten 1848-A Wien Mint
    Kaiser Ferdinand V 1835-48

    He abdicated during 1848 Revolution/ letting Franz Josef I succeed him as Kaiser. Here is another biggie/ my AV 25 Pounds 1969 Valcambi Mint. Coin weighs 2.35oz. 70mm.
    Part of my 5 coin proof set. My first ever coin purchase. Biafra broke away from Nigeria in 1967, for three years they fought valiantly/ but where straved into submission by the Nigerians. No one intervened to stop this crime. Their beautifull coins are a testament to their struggle vs tyranny. f5d2ab03ca76e995b53be1c4294754c4.jpg image30406.jpg
  8. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    This Hudson -Fulton medal is 4" in diameter and 11.7 oz of sterling silver. I have a thread devoted to this medal and related items.


    Congo 2017 10,000 Francs 32.15 ounces. Some of my favorite shows when I was a kid were about the Silverback Gorillas. This just kind of triggered those memories when I saw it.

  9. yarm

    yarm Junior Member Supporter

    1976 Bicentennial medal, 75mm, 268 gms.

    Project 2.jpg
  10. princeofwaldo

    princeofwaldo Grateful To Be eX-I/T!

    Didn't know that about Biafra, interesting slice of history. Kind of like the experiment that was Katanga, about the only trace left being some pretty cool gold coins.
  11. Zonker

    Zonker Active Member

    Now there something that I can get behind. I love Isle of Man coins. We often discuss sovereigns, but the Isle of Man issues are a close second.
  12. John Wright

    John Wright Well-Known Member

    Not exactly a 'coin', but my most beautiful (5oz) GMM (Gallery Mint) piece. Perseus with head of Medusa. Ron Landis' work at its best. Medusa  5 Oz Silver  GMM.jpg
  13. bart

    bart Senior Member

    My biggest coin is a classic bullion coin: a 5 oz. Mexican Libertad (65 mm)

    libertad 5 oz- (2).jpg libertad 5 oz (2).jpg
  14. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    Another Australian 32oz piece. 2016

  15. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    By biggest coin is this Chilean Silver 10 Pesos one from 1976 (it weighs 45,31 grams):


  16. Dafydd

    Dafydd Supporter! Supporter

    This Shrewsbury Charles 1 pound coin is my heaviest silver coin at just over 120 gm and 51 mm diameter this dwarfs my previous largest British coin the George III Cartwheel twopence which only weighs 56 gm and is 41mm diameter compared to the pound.


    As a comparison I show a Tower Mint halfcrown at only 14.8 gms S 2776.
    The halfcrown is ex-Prestbury hoard and this is the condition it was found in.
    Joshua Lemons, panzerman and Chris B like this.
  17. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    This Anglo Gold-plated Medal, 24CT on 2oz of Silver.

    Attached Files:

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  18. dirty_brian

    dirty_brian Supporter! Supporter

    largest standard circulation coin. doesnt fit in any my flips. barely fits in the slot in my box
    1904 5 rupee Afghanistan.jpg
    Joshua Lemons, panzerman and Chris B like this.
  19. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    Uganda AV 1000 Shilings 1969 Pope Paul VI visit to Kampala/ before Idi Amin's reign of terror. fb977c852107e68416eb56594890bd4f (3).jpg
    Part of 11 coin proof set (which I won Stacks Auction in 1990 for 850US
    1000 shilings =1400g. gold
    500 shilings = 700g. gold
    200 shilings = 280g. gold
    100 shilings (chump change 140g.!
  20. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member Supporter

    This is a terrible thread for me because I love small coins! Those coins are huge!
    panzerman likes this.
  21. serdogthehound

    serdogthehound Well-Known Member

    I'm currently eye a 5kg silver coin
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