Please give a hearty welcome to our newest moderator.

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by National dealer, May 27, 2004.

  1. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    Satookoto has become our newest moderator. Please give him a hearty thanks for agreeing to help us out. His knowledge has been a very welcome addition to this forum.
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  3. CohibaCris

    CohibaCris New Member

    That is great news, Satookoto!
    Moderating is not an easy gig, I appreciate you agreeing to help out.

  4. rbm86

    rbm86 Coin Hoarder

    Welcome, Satootoko!!!!
  5. jhall28488

    jhall28488 New Member

  6. Bacchus

    Bacchus Coin Duffer

    Welcome ! :cool:

    You're gonna like it here !
  7. Pilgrim

    Pilgrim At SH71 and I-10

    Congrats Satookoto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Da Vinchi

    Da Vinchi Junior Member

    Welcome! Satookoto
  9. joesmom

    joesmom Member

    Congrats & welcome Satootoko!!
  10. satootoko

    satootoko Retired

    Thank you all. (I can't find a smiley that makes a curtsey, but let's all pretend I've inserted one here. :D )

    Now we'll see how you feel the first time I screw something up.[​IMG]
  11. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    Just blame it on me, everyone knows how to send me the emails :D
  12. pog

    pog New Member

    thank you satootoko. more knowledge i can feeeed on....
  13. tradernick

    tradernick Coin Hoarder

  14. silver art bars

    silver art bars New Member

  15. rugen

    rugen New Member

    ND you have never given me bad advice, and that is all I have to say about the matter.

    Welcome Satookoto!!

  16. jody526

    jody526 New Member

    Well deserved, sir.
    You have always been one of my favorite sources of information on these forums.
    I know you'll do just fine as a forum moderator.
  17. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    I hope that no one has gotten bad advice from me. I try my best to provide what information I can. It may not be the most pleasant, but will be honest.

    I was referring to complaint emails. I still receive many from viewers of the forum. (Not regular members). They seem to think that I use this forum to promote my company or some other agendas.
  18. chevy

    chevy New Member

    satotooko is one of those good guys that you can always count on here at Cointalk.

    hes helped me out a bunch during the last few months

    congrats, youre gonna do well

    as for anybody who has something bad to say about nd, they must have some problems
  19. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    Crikey,this certainly would bring back a few memories for some of the older members here.

  20. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    Welcome Satookoto!!
  21. Speedy

    Speedy Researching Coins Supporter

    Just as a side note----This is a really old thread....

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