OT..., But if you are a War Veteran

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by GrimReaper, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. Thender

    Thender Senior Member

    "It is the Veteran that fought for the right, for some, to burn the United States Flag, The same Flag that is used to drape a Veterans coffin"...

    I always get choked up when I hear that at our Memorial Day services...

    Don't forget, many of us Veterans keep serving long after we are out of service...

    I have been with the American Legion for 12 years, 9 years of that as a member of the Color Guard. Serving in such capacities as Post Commander and Commander of the Color Guard for 4 years. I am also in charge of Grave Registration which means that I know where all Veterans are buried in our Cemetery, making sure they have markers, and making sure that 1,100 little flags get put on their graves for Memorial day...

    So if you see someone wearing an American Legion cap, Remember they were once a wartime Veteran that is now serving his community and fighting for active duty veterans rights in Washington D.C.

    Thank you to all that served!!!

    Sorry for the shameless plug... :eek:
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  3. Booner

    Booner Member


    Not a shameless plug at all! Maybe it has something to do with having served, and with the camaraderie, but alot of veterns seem to gravitate to the American Legion, VFW, etc. Not a thing wrong with continuing to serve.

    Tim W.
    USAF 1973-1995
    American Legion Post 488
  4. Thender

    Thender Senior Member


    Should have posted that too....

    American Legion Post #88, Shenandoah, Iowa...

    And another shameless plug.... :eek:

    "American Legion Department Color Guard Champions for 2008 - 2009" :cool:
  5. GrimReaper

    GrimReaper Senior Member

    Past or Present , Once Again Thank You !! God Bless All of You !!
  6. hontonai

    hontonai Registered Contrarian

    My father was a Naval officer in WW II.

    I served in an Army psychological warfare unit in Korea.

    My daughter was in the Army, serving in Germany during the Vietnam era.

    Her husband is retired from the Air Force, and a member of the American Legion motorcycle riders group that participates in military funerals to keep the war protesters away from the mourners..

    Her son's National Guard unit deployed to Iraq, and he's expecting to go back.

    Her new son-in-law is about to make his third Iraqi deployment.

    I'm pretty proud of my family history this Veterans Day!
  7. Cloudsweeper99

    Cloudsweeper99 Treasure Hunter

    I'm sort of in the same boat. I was draft age during Vietnam, and my father very strongly demanded that I stay out of the military if at all possible because of his experiences in the South Pacific during World War II. Then my friend's brother up the street was killed over there in 68. The men and women in the military are better people than many of those who send them. Best of the best.
  8. d.t.menace

    d.t.menace Member

    Thanks for the thank yous everyone. USAF 1973-1977. It was an experience i never regretted. I was in Thailand for a year and it sure made me appreciate the good old USA even more.
  9. GrimReaper

    GrimReaper Senior Member

    Again I say Thank You !!
  10. LindeDad

    LindeDad His Walker.

    USAF 1963--1991 SMSgt Retired.
  11. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    1st I will say the same, Thank you all for your service, peace time and war.
    As for myself 6 1/2 years US Navy BM2-EOD
    US Navy BeachMaster Unit 1!! Desert Sheild/Desert Storm
    Medicaly retired.
  12. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    I salute you all Vets! Thank you and God Bless!
  13. STLron

    STLron New Member

    USAF, Europe, 1963-1966.
  14. imrich

    imrich Supporter! Supporter

    Kudos To An Old Timer

    Many Kudos to another Veteran, from a USAF Res. 1963-69 Medivac Veteran who served as a Vietnam medic, returning many of our brothers from a place many knew as **** ON EARTH. A place where 58271 others and my best friend did not return as survivors of a another "Police Action", only being listed as a casualty on a memorial wall. :so-sad:

    I'll long remember my best friend and many other "HEROs" who return in an "altered state" so that we can enjoy our "blessings/freedoms".

    SALUTE!![TABLE="width: 100%"]

    [TD="class: BlackText, align: left"]


    [TD="class: BlackText"][/TD]

    [TD="class: BlackText, align: center"]PFC - E3 - Army - Regular
    173rd Airborne Brigade

    Length of service 6 years
    His tour began on Feb 10, 1966
    Casualty was on Aug 14, 1966
    Hostile, died of wounds, GROUND CASUALTY
    Body was recovered
  15. DM1

    DM1 Active Member

    We still have heroes : all you guys! Thank you!:hail:
  16. Pepperoni

    Pepperoni Senior Member

    Thanks from all who understand your freedom is not free.
    U.S. Navy E6 1958-1964 Hospital Corpsman FMF Recon . FMF is Fleet Marine Force. The Navy supplies all Corpsman for the Marine Corps.
    Boot camp for the Navy, Corps School at Balboa Hospital San Diego, Marine Corps basic training
    across the fence from The NTC training center.
    I never regreted a day , I have used my skills all my life.

  17. Kirkuleez

    Kirkuleez 80 proof

    You heroes are the ones who make this country great, Thank you all for your service.
  18. alicechaos

    alicechaos Junior Member

    My mother was a WWII veteran, as well as a great-aunt; I did three years in the US Army from 1975 - 1978; mostly at Ft. Bliss out on Biggs' Field fending off tarantulas.
  19. willieboyd2

    willieboyd2 First Class Poster

    Paula is working on my biography.

  20. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Served in the Air Force from 1997 to 2001. Never saw combat, but technically I guess I could say I'm a Korean War veteran, in the sense that the conflict never officially ended. My father was in the Marine Corps and was stationed in Qatar during the first Gulf War, considered a hazardous duty area but never saw actual combat. My brother served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I thank them, and all of you, for your service.
  21. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    10 years in the Navy and counting. Just wanted to say thanks to all those who came before me.
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