My toned small ANACS update thread.

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by BlackberryPie, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

    Since I’m always buying new items I figured I’d do a dedicated thread to add my additional coins in.
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  3. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

  4. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

  5. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

  6. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

  7. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

  8. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

  9. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    Very nice indeed. I like them all, you lucky devil. Thanks for sharing those goodies.
  10. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

    You are very welcome. I’ll be posting 2 additional in the next week, week and a half.
    Mr.Q likes this.
  11. BuffaloHunter

    BuffaloHunter Short of a full herd Supporter

    Love the color on that ‘38 D/D!
    gbandy, Mr.Q and BlackberryPie like this.
  12. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    Nice progress so far!
    BlackberryPie likes this.
  13. geekpryde

    geekpryde Husband and Father Moderator

    Never thought I would say this...but I am digging those old ANACS slabs with toned coins. :woot:
    dwhiz, Mr.Q and BlackberryPie like this.
  14. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

    Darn… did I just inadvertently create more competition in the buyers realm. Lol
    Mr.Q and SilverMike like this.
  15. KSorbo

    KSorbo Well-Known Member

    I have my first one coming in the mail today:

    IMG_2974.jpeg IMG_2976.jpeg
    INDE1977, Eric the Red, dwhiz and 6 others like this.
  16. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

    The Ike will fill a slot because I like the rubber band toning. The P01 photo was added just because it’s cool, but that’s part of a grade set I started.
    IMG_9135.jpeg IMG_9132.jpeg
    dwhiz, BadThad, KSorbo and 3 others like this.
  17. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    @KSorbo I bid on that one too last week at GC but did not go strong as it's a bit out of my interest realm (or so I tell myself in order to set some limits :D). Congrats on a nice coin!
    KSorbo likes this.
  18. KSorbo

    KSorbo Well-Known Member

    Thanks! US Philippines has been on my radar lately as I really like the design. For this particular coin, I had some inspiration from @lordmarcovan ‘s recent post of his 100 piece collection. When I see his or the OP’s coins it makes me realise that I will never regret springing for eye appeal.
    ddddd likes this.
  19. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    When you see good eye appeal and it is within your budget, go for the coin.
    I'm a fan of this design too but I'm focusing on a peso (waiting for the right one).
    KSorbo likes this.
  20. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    KSorbo likes this.
  21. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

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