My first box of coins! (pennies) Wish me luck!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by lupinus911, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. lupinus911

    lupinus911 Member

    I'm going to go through my first ever box of coins, $25 in pennies, wish me luck guys!
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  3. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    if you find anything interesting let us know wheaties and errors and just ackward stuff..
  4. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

  5. BRandM

    BRandM Counterstamp Collector

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you find. I love searching through bunchs of coins. Good luck!

  6. lupinus911

    lupinus911 Member

    Already found a 74D BU
  7. lupinus911

    lupinus911 Member

    I'll post there when I'm finished and if I have several keepers.
  8. cerdsalicious

    cerdsalicious BigShot

    Best of luck.
    A fellow rollsearcher in my area recently pulled out a MS 1948 Canadian! And were not in Canada! You never know what you may find.
  9. lupinus911

    lupinus911 Member

    First wheat! 54D, 9th roll in, I thought I might not find one. Also a 61 and 62 Red Unc (some contact marks so not BU).
  10. lupinus911

    lupinus911 Member

    Already found an 84 and 85 Canadian (Circulated).
  11. lupinus911

    lupinus911 Member

    Another wheatie, 1944. Also a 69S!
  12. Fifty

    Fifty Master Roll Searcher

    This is a great thread you created to drive up your post count!
  13. lupinus911

    lupinus911 Member

  14. vnickels

    vnickels Matt Draiss Numismatics & Galleries

  15. lupinus911

    lupinus911 Member


    36 x 1
    44 x 1
    48 x 1
    51D x 1
    52D x 1
    53D x1
    54 x 1
    54D x 1
    55 x 1
    56 x 2
    56D x 1
    57 x 1

    59 x 2
    59D x 2
    74D BU x 1
    61 Unc x 1
    62 Unc x 1

    5 including one 2010 BU.

    Indian Heads:

    Flying Eagles:

    Large Cents:
  16. coop

    coop Senior Member

  17. robbudo

    robbudo Indian Error Collector

    13 wheats in $25 isn't too shabby.
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