LordM 2025 FUN show report (live updates from the floor)

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by lordmarcovan, Jan 10, 2025.

  1. BuffaloHunter

    BuffaloHunter Short of a full herd Supporter

    I second what @ddddd says. Thank you so much, Rob and Randy, for “taking us along” to this coin show!
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  3. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Restaurant looks awesome! Can you tell me what those ball shaped items are?
    I wonder if Randy will go home with a Georgian accent?
  4. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Hush puppies!
    lordmarcovan and SensibleSal66 like this.
  5. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Are they Shrimp puppies? Or were that is. :rolleyes:
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  6. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Nope. Cornbread dough. Story goes that when old timers did fish fries they couldn’t get their dogs to get away from the fried fish. So they threw some balls of cornbread breading in the fryer to give to the dogs… Thus the hush puppy was born and is now a staple of all southern seafood dinners.
  7. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    If you go drinking scotch with Larry that might not turn out to be the case.
  8. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Much too tired for an in depth write up. Here’s the best I can do with my exhausted self. I’ll fill in the blanks later..

  9. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Oh, good. Randy set you straight on what hushpuppies are. (Not just the name of a shoe brand.) I was briefly surprised by your asking, until I realized that a Yankee might not know. Forgot they’re mostly a Southern thing (or thang, as we might say).

    A SC accent isn’t so terribly different from a GA accent. We’d probably both sound rather twangy to you, though I do not have an especially strong Southern accent for someone who was born n’ raised in Dixie. (My father was born in Philly, but like me, he grew up mostly in the South.)
  10. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    I can’t wait to see what he did with my-

    Oh! Hang on, let me check email…
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  11. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Yippee! I too had @messydesk photos in my inbox, of two coins I bought during the show! Thank you, John! Was nice to see you. :)

    1793berm1d-8327-web.jpeg 1793berm1d-8327-obv.jpeg 1793berm1d-8327-rev.jpeg 221d-9487-web.jpeg 221d-9487-obv.jpeg 221d-9487-rev.jpeg

    Here, again, is a photo of him photographing that 1793 Bermuda penny.

  12. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

  13. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Yep. Speedy! :D
  14. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

    I'll add my purchase here, since I alluded to it a couple pages ago. 1798 $1 PCGS VF20. BB-119, but I bought it for the look. Fortunately, it's a common die marriage.

  15. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    To my astonishment, I returned home with $1,500 in unspent cash from the bullion I’d sold at the show (plus a $3,350 check from NEN). So I sold more than I spent. Yet I still managed to accomplish all of my goals, and then some:

    Cash in my bullion? ✅

    (Gold bullion stack now gone, but still have 50+ oz of silver left over)

    Buy gold Spanish cob? ✅

    Buy US $3 gold piece, better than XF40? ✅

    Buy fun/interesting goodies for future giveaways? ✅

    NGC submission done? ✅

    @messydesk photos done? ✅

    Help @Randy Abercrombie shop for 12 Caesars? ✅

    Eat some good meals? ✅

    Give Ladymarcovan some leftover cash to pay a bill with? ✅

    Have lots of fun? ✅✅✅

    I declare success across the board! :woot:
  16. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

  17. Rushmore

    Rushmore Coin Addict

    Great report @lordmarcovan . Wish I could have gone but I have this pesky thing called a job and winter months are too busy.
  18. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Wonderful. Better to come out ahead!
  19. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    Glad you folks had a good time! I just don't care one bit for Orlando. Just curious, how many of you snowbirds wore shorts? Orlando is a lot warmer than north Florida this time of year. :D
  20. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    Hush puppies are an art, not a science. Poorly prepared, horrible. Done right, nectar of the gods. Hopefully they were chock full of diced onions. Florida Cracker reporting facts here. :p
  21. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    I didn’t. My wardrobe is khakis and boots every day….. Idid see one fellow walking the floor that was my age wearing shorty-shorts. Scared me….
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