LordM 2025 FUN show report (live updates from the floor)

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by lordmarcovan, Jan 10, 2025.

  1. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Friday, January 10, 2025.

    Greetings from sunny Orlando, Florida, y’all! :)


    Here I am at the FUN show!

    I’ve already met three CoinTalkers.

    L to R: Mike (@ToughCOINS), Larry (@ldhair), and Randy (@Randy Abercrombie).

    Randy is my travel companion and roommate for this trip.

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    This is the first sexy coin that grabbed my eye. The dealer let me hold it and photograph it. He did make me wipe the drool off of it before I handed it back.

    Speaking of sexy silver, note the proof Trade dollar in the case below!

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  4. BuffaloHunter

    BuffaloHunter Short of a full herd Supporter

    Nice to see @ldhair not in a cervical collar. That was last year, wasn't it Larry?
  5. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    This was my first purchase. I got it from the dealer who shares a table with Mike (@ToughCOINS).

    It is a 1797 British “Cartwheel” twopence. These were some of the first coins struck with steam power, during the Industrial Revolution.

    This is a nice AU example, without the typical rim bruises one sees on Cartwheel coppers. I traded the dealer a 10-ounce silver bar for it.

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  6. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    He was wearing that at 2023 FUN.
    BuffaloHunter likes this.
  7. -monolith-

    -monolith- Supporter! Supporter

    I see everyone is wearing short-sleeves in the photo; better than Parka's.
  8. Yankee42

    Yankee42 Well-Known Member

    One day I’ll get there. As it stands every time I go to Orlando it’s to see a cartoon mouse.
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  9. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    At Tom Woods’ Coins of the Holy Land table. Tom also sells coins associated with Colonial America, in addition to the biblical Ancients that are his primary stock in trade.

    Last edited: Jan 13, 2025
  10. Yankee42

    Yankee42 Well-Known Member

    Connecticut copper is definitely on my list. My family first moved to Connecticut in the 1650s.
  11. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    It's been 2 years now. They did a great job.
  12. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    This 2c piece has lots of red for a RB example. I might go back for it later.

    Update: I did, but too late- on Sunday. That dealer had left by then.

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    This large cent is also sexy for a RB. It’s also on my “thinkin’ about it” list.


    This dollar is not under consideration, but it’s nice.

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    Randy and I bought this lusterbomb Peace dollar in an OGH holder. I say “we” bought it because we agreed it had to go home with one or the other of us. I saw it first. He paid for it. But I have the option to buy it from Randy.

    I did. Mine now! :)

    Sure, it’s common date- but lovely. ($200.)

  13. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    Hot damn, Rob. You've got some good taste! Did you buy the Trade Dollar or that beauty Seated Liberty? Or maybe both? I sure hope I win THAT monthly giveaway! ;)

    I'm excited to be following along and attending FUN vicariously through you and Randy. Have a great time. Don't forget to send my best to Melissa. :)
  14. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    My second purchase was another George III copper. I’ve always liked the 1793 Bermuda pennies. And this one’s a proof.

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    The PCGS TrueView images are not true to its color. I might get @messydesk to shoot it for me. Update: I did, and look forward to his pics. Update 2: pics posted!


    This was at the NEN (Northeast Numismatics) table. They came down to $1,650 on it. I traded in some Krugerrands and a PCGS MS63 1884-CC Morgan, so they owed me about $8K, before deducting the price of the Bermuda coin.

    So I left their table with more cash than I arrived there with.

    I could have walked off with this sweet Bust dime, but it’s a bit too rich for my blood, as it would have eaten all the cash I’d made on the bullion sale. A real stunner, though.

  15. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Ha! Did you see the pricetag on that Seated dollar? They would’ve come down to $40K on it, I think the guy said. The Trade dollar was “only” $7K! ;)
  16. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Saw this- not a coin- at the John Kraljevich Americana table. @SensibleSal66 - I had to photograph this GW button for you! Kraljevich wants $3,250 for it. It was cool to see and hold one for the first time.

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  17. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Nice to see faces of some of our members! :)
    Hey, if you buy coins with that kind of money your wife said to stay there. ;):rolleyes:
  18. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Maybe if he takes away the zero, I'd consider. :smuggrin:
  19. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Here is @Evan Saltis , at the Wayne Herndon table. Look what Evan is holding! Speaking of George Washington, George and Martha’s silverware was allegedly melted down to strike these.

    Edit: or not, evidently. Never mind. Turns out that’s a myth. But the real backstory is just as interesting.

    I’d never seen a 1792 half disme in person before.


    Johndakerftw, 1776, INDE1977 and 15 others like this.
  20. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    It seems to me I'm seeing more high end coins this year. I'm seeing a lot of high grade older Barber proofs and Bust dollars. One dealer has 3 cases of nothing but Bust dollars. I'm seeing Lincoln 1955 DDOs cents all over the place.

    I believe many are bringing a lot of older collections back on the market. It seems to be a great time to sell high end coins.
  21. Evan Saltis

    Evan Saltis OWNER - EBS Numis LLC Supporter

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