Let's see your newest acquisitions!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by H8_modern, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Yankee42

    Yankee42 Well-Known Member

    Newest addition to the 7070.

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  3. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

  4. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    Most of mine have arrived, still waiting on my MS63 Morgan Silver Dollar (it'll be my first one). Bought Dad a 1958-D MS64 Wheatie (it was his birth year, thought he'd like it), a VF25 1861 Confederate 20$ Note (also my 1st genuine) as well as
    1860 and 1867 Confederate Railroad Interest Notes. Looking into getting my 1st Capped Busts as well

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    Last edited: Jan 13, 2025
  5. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    Bought this raw back before Christmas. The idiots at USPS just delivered it today. It came here locally, went to Puerto Rico, then back to the states and finally got delivered. :rolleyes:

    I found a new taller stand for my coin camera to order so hopefully I'll be able to take decent full coin photos going forward. Sellers photos were horrible but I saw enough luster to take a chance based on price. I had buyers remorse until I got it today. These are a tough get without really getting off your wallet. 1899S. I'm pleasantly surprised, not cleaned and should get a low grade MS when I submit. Sellers photos here are horrible, but hey, had they not been, I might have not had a shot at this. :p
    It looks great in hand and under magnification, I've seen more wear on PCGS 63s, not that it's a lock on that.

    (These are the horrible sellers photos)

    99s.png 99s r.png
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2025
    alhenry92, dwhiz and Eric the Red like this.
  6. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

  7. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    My 1886 Morgan came in today along with these I bought in an online random slab estate sale auction. Going after some slabbed Liberty Nickels and my first Capped Bust soon. 27.jpg 28.jpg 29.jpg 30.jpg
    Anthony Mazza, Barney McRae and dwhiz like this.
  8. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    Just pulled the trigger on another empty hole in my Morgan collection quest. 1886S. I'm not a fan of toning, but I find small wins where I can, when I can, at the best price possible. I liked the coin, but even better, the price. If it grades out AU55 I did just fine. I think it could go much higher. Seller is one of those people hocking granddaddy's collection, has very few transactions on fleaBay. Screenname even says so.

    What do the experts say? It may need an acetone bath to prevent any environmental damage progression. I am not saavy about these things. Comments welcome, and grade as well. Does not look cleaned. Looks like UNC, but I can't grade a toned coin to save my life. 99% of them look gnarly to me. Sellers photos....maybe if I'm lucky, USPS won't lose another one. 86s.png 86s rev.png
  9. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    "fleaBay" lol. First time i heard that one. I feel the same way about toning as well though, I feel like only certain coins can really pull the look off to be more desirable than untoned, toning silver imo is kind of self defeating to the precious metal.
    Barney McRae likes this.
  10. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    My biggest concern is the reverse at the bottom rim at ONE. That looks weird. I "think" this is album toning, but what do I know? I have artificially played with toning on cheap Morgans but none of them look like this one.
    alhenry92 likes this.
  11. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    At the bottom left right at the rim? I almost thought that was slight damage and maybe the previous owner tried to use the toning as a distraction from it. (Assuming they did intentionally tone it)
  12. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    Doesn't look like fake toning to me. Just worried about terminal toning on that rim, as you say.
    alhenry92 likes this.
  13. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    Hopefully it's not, other than that it's overall a pretty nice coin
    Barney McRae likes this.
  14. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    Just bought the last 3 of these for 8$, (Sellers Pics) to me they almost look cleaned but the seller has a really high rating, and I don't have a 1907 or Philadelphia minted Liberty Nickel yet. Also have a bid on this 1883 Philadelphia Minted Liberty Nickel as well that looks nicer. 11 minutes left on that auction and feeling confident, wish me luck!
    Update: I won by the skin of my teeth in the last 5s of the auction!

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    Last edited: Jan 14, 2025
    Eric the Red, dwhiz and numist like this.
  15. numist

    numist Member Supporter

    Sorry for the delay. I think this is a toning thing, not doubling. IMG_20250114_193623503~2.jpg
  16. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    Welp, doesn't matter anyway. eBay refunded me the day after I won it. I talked to their help desk and they didn't know the reason, but either eBay removed all of the seller's items or the seller removed their profile and listings. I have no way to prove this but I think someone was stealing grandpa's collection and hocking them online and family members caught them. I would have gotten a steal on this one. Just another interesting eBay story, I have many of them, but most of them have to do with the utter incompetence of the USPS. I have another one of their failures in the pipeline to post but will wait until they reply. Federal holiday today, so will give it a few days.
    alhenry92 likes this.
  17. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    Wow, that blows! eBay's been insane with sellers selling fake coins too, first time I've been seeing it but that's why I always read the reviews. Selling n 1824 Capped Bust in this shape for $50 (From China too)? LOL Screenshot_146.jpg Screenshot_147.jpg
    Barney McRae likes this.






  21. bradgator2

    bradgator2 Well-Known Member

    Fills 1 of my final 5 Capped Bust halves holes. 4 to go. They’ll be expensive.

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