I can see it now. I can faintly see clash marks. Mine is nowhere near as pronounced as the example on Dave's. You can see the wing line by libertys face. And see the scroll under liberty. And I can now faintly see the die crack at the zero. Mine doesn't appear to go into the bust but it is worn in that area probably beyond that. So yea went from an r1 to 3.
Won second place in @dwhiz ‘s recent contest. An American Innovation reverse proof, a 175th anniversary medal for Fort Wayne, Indiana, a 2021 quarter, and a dwhiz wooden dollar. Thanks, my friend!
1723 Hibernia Half-penny. Minted for use in Ireland, they were unpopular there and many found their way to colonial America. It's quite a bit darker in hand, just what my phone spit out.
2 tubes of Type 2 ASEs and a Type 2 AGE. One of the tubes is to hold, the other is for gifting and trading for two Type 1s and two 2020s that I need to give to my nephews, for their collections that I am building for them each birthday and Christmas (current year for birthday, older year for Christmas). https://www.cointalk.com/threads/my-ase-t2-for-t1-and-2020.383719/
1900 S MS 65 Morgan A decent date, and grade. It has some interesting rim toning, and is really lustrous. It will work.
Just got a couple of coins in… sorry for the bad pics, I’ll have them imaged by a pro in the next days. Here’s my favorite:
Thanks @micbraun ....it is worth too much for me try it. That is 1 Troy oz. .999 pure silver, my friend.