Let's see your exonumia!

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Detecto92, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    Treashunt said:
    Back in 1996 I found a Frank Buck "Black Leopard" toy ring.

    A Cereal Premium Toy ring? Neat! Did you find it metal detecting?
    I would assume yes by your CT name.
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  3. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

  4. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    I have been wanting to find an affordable one of these. It's a 1932 tribute to the Niobe shipwreck. This is the silver one which seems to be as scarce as the gold ones.


    Thanks to @lordmarcovan I was able to acquire the gold version a while back.


    There is a large gold version that comes up for sale infrequently. I will be hunting for one of those to complete the set.
  5. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    A couple very hard to find Mardi Gras 39mm Dubloons
    I was not snoozing when I found these "heavies".
    (Not lightweight common aluminum type)

    1971 Mucho Sombrero Mardi Gras Dubloon



    Mardi Gras, also called Shrove Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday, in English, refers to events of the Carnival celebrations, beginning on or after the Christian feasts of the Epiphany (Three Kings Day) and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday", reflecting the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season.
    In New Orleans, Louisiana, Mardi Gras lasts the entire period from Twelfth Night (the last night of Christmas which begins Epiphany) to Ash Wednesday.
    There are great parades and floats, many bizarre themes with greatly exaggerated costumes.


    There are groups who belong to a "Krewe" and they throw beads and trinkets. Most krewes also have a token they call "Dubloons" as giveaways.
    Those are mainly colored aluminum dated medals with themes that coincide with the name of that Krewe.
    This one I found amusing and is probably one of the members of "Good Timer's Krewe" dubloons and not the more common hand out type. Sometimes these are made of Pewter, Silver or Bronze and are far less common than the aluminum.
    There are many varieties of these and are highly sought after and collected by all sorts of people.
    I cannot seem to be able to find another of these, nor any information on the Good Timer's Carnival Club Krewe.
    Apparently they lasted at least 10 years as there are two dates on this one. 1961 and the issue for this dubloon which dates it to the 1971 Mardi Gras.


    1980 Eros Hatfields & McCoys Silvered Finish Mardi Gras Dubloon



    The theme for this rare 1980 special dubloon has a hillbilly taking a nap with his rifle and a jug of moonshine by his side.
    The Krewe of Eros was a New Orleans Area Ball which issued their doubloons at their annual Mardi Gras Ball. These 1980 Eros Oxidized Silver doubloons were issued in extremely limited number and are very difficult to find.
    This is the only one I have seen for the past couple years. There were also shiny aluminum Hatfields & McCoy issues, while still somewhat scarce when compared to other of the many dubloon themes can be found for about 15 dollars.
    This oxidized silver doubloon is not listed in any of the Mardi Gras Doubloon Guides.

    Who were the Hatfields and McCoys?

    Read if you are interested, a brief history here that I post was found in part on Wikipedia some time ago so I give credit here. I probably condensed and edited it some.

    Each family was ruled by a well-known patriarch. William Anderson Hatfield, known as “Devil Anse,” had the appearance of a backwoods, rough-hewn mountain dweller. By the 1870s Devil Anse was an increasingly successful timber merchant who employed dozens of men, including some McCoys.
    On the other side of the feud stood Randolph “Old Ranel” McCoy.


    Randolph “Old Ranel” McCoy

    Randolph owned some land and livestock. Both families lived along the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy River, which snaked along the boundary between Kentucky and West Virginia.
    Family loyalty was often determined not only by blood but by employment and proximity.
    The families even intermarried and sometimes switched family loyalties, even once the feud had started.
    In 1865 Randolph’s brother, Asa Harmon McCoy, was murdered by the Logan Wildcats, a local militia group that counted Devil Anse and other Hatfields among its members.
    Many regarded Asa Harmon, who had served in the Union Army during the American Civil War, as a traitor. While some have surmised that his murder set the stage for the feud, most historians now see this incident as a standalone event.
    Relations between the two families continued to sour over the next decade before flaring again over a dispute over a single hog. In 1878 Randolph McCoy accused Floyd Hatfield, a cousin of Devil Anse, of stealing one of his pigs, a valuable commodity in the poor region.

    Floyd Hatfields’s trial took place in McCoy territory but was presided over by a cousin of Devil Anse. It hinged on the testimony of star witness Bill Staton, a McCoy relative married to a Hatfield. Staton testified in Floyd Hatfield’s favor, and the McCoys were infuriated when Floyd was cleared of the charges against him.
    Two years later, Staton was violently killed in a fracas with Sam and Paris McCoy, nephews of Randolph. Sam stood trial for the murder but was acquitted for self-defense reasons.
    Within months of Staton’s murder, a heated affair of a different sort was set ablaze.

    At a local election day gathering in 1880, Johnse Hatfield, the 18-year-old son of Devil Anse, encountered Roseanna McCoy, Randolph’s daughter. According to accounts, Johnse and Roseanna hit it off, disappearing together for hours. Supposedly fearing retaliation from her family for mingling with the Hatfields, Roseanna stayed at the Hatfield residence for a period of time, drawing the ire of the McCoys.
    Although they certainly shared a romance, it rapidly became clear that Johnse was not about to settle down with Roseanna. Several months later he abandoned the pregnant Roseanna and quickly moved on.
    In May 1881 he married Nancy McCoy, Roseanna’s cousin.

    The turning point in the feud, according to most historical accounts, occurred on another local election day in August 1882. Three of Randolph McCoy’s sons ended up in a violent dispute with two brothers of Devil Anse.
    The fight soon snowballed into chaos as one of the McCoy brothers stabbed Ellison Hatfield multiple times and then shot him in the back.

    Authorities soon apprehended the McCoys, but the Hatfields interceded, spiriting the men to Hatfield territory. After receiving word that Ellison had died, they bound the McCoys to some pawpaw bushes. Within minutes, they fired more than 50 shots, killing all three brothers.
    Though the Hatfields might have felt their revenge was warranted, the law felt otherwise, quickly returning indictments against 20 men, including Devil Anse and his sons.

    Despite the charges, the Hatfields eluded arrest, leaving the McCoys boiling with anger about the murders and outraged that the Hatfields walked free.
    Their cause was taken up by Perry Cline, an attorney who was married to Martha McCoy, the widow of Randolph’s brother Asa Harmon.

    Years earlier Cline had lost a lawsuit against Devil Anse over the deed for thousands of acres of land, and many historians believe this left him looking for his own form of revenge.
    Using his political connections, Cline had the charges against the Hatfields reinstated. He announced rewards for the arrest of the Hatfields, including Devil Anse.


    Devil Anse Hatfield

    The media started to report on the feud in 1887. The Hatfields were often portrayed as violent backwoods hillbillies who roamed the mountains stirring up violence. A local story was becoming a national legend.
    The Hatfields may or may not have been paying attention to these stories, but they were certainly paying attention to the bounty on their heads.

    In an effort to end the commotion once and for all, a group of the Hatfields and their supporters hatched a plan to attack Randolph McCoy and his family.
    Led by Devil Anse’s son Cap and ally Jim Vance, a group of Hatfield men ambushed the McCoys’ home on New Year’s Day in 1888. Randolph fled, escaping into the woods. His son Calvin and daughter Alifair were killed in the crossfire; his wife Sarah was left badly beaten by the Hatfields, suffering a crushed skull.

    A few days after what became known as the New Year’s massacre, bounty hunter Frank Phillips chased down Jim Vance and Cap Hatfield, killing Vance. Phillips rounded up nine Hatfield family members and supporters and hauled them off to jail. Eventually, the case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which decided that the Hatfields being held in custody could be tried.

    The trial began in 1889, and in the end, eight of the Hatfields and their supporters were sentenced to life in prison. Ellison Mounts, who was believed to be the son of Ellison Hatfield, was sentenced to death.
    Nicknamed Cottontop, Mounts was known to be mentally challenged, and many viewed him as a scapegoat even though he had confessed his guilt.
    Although public executions were against the law in Kentucky, thousands of spectators gathered to witness the hanging of Ellison "Cottontop" Mounts on February 18, 1890. Reports claim that Cottontop's last words were:

    “They made me do it! The Hatfields made me do it!”
  6. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    Is it hard to see a "woodie error" on a WS finish?
    dwhiz likes this.
  7. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    Is it hard to see a "woodie error" on a WS finish?

    It is knot.
    longnine009 and dwhiz like this.
  8. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    1933 Century of Progress Chicago World's Fair
    So-called Dollars

    35 mm Gilt Bronze

    Hi-Ho HK464

    1933CenturyofProgressHiHoHK464SCDrev.jpg 1933CenturyofProgressHiHoHK464SCDobv.jpg

    I have two official medals here known as So-called Dollars. The "Hi-Ho" and the "Cheerio". There must be some song with those lyrics together, wouldn't you think?

    In 1933, A&P took part in the World's Fair in Chicago with a canopied boardwalk where tea dances were held, and free tea and coffee samples were distributed. The many listeners to "The A&P Gypsies" came by the thousands to the A&P Carnival, a 2,000-seat amphitheater.


    The most popular forms of advertising of the late 1920s were radio programs with a sponsored musical feature.
    It could be a large symphonic group, a dance orchestra, or a song-and-patter team and it would usually carry the sponsor's name.
    "The A&P Gypsies" was a musical series broadcast on radio beginning in 1924 with band leader Harry Horlick, who had learned gypsy folk music while traveling with gypsy bands in Istanbul.

    "The A&P Gypsies" performed here during The 1933 World's Fair.
    Harry Horlick on the left. Frank Parker, a tenor on the right.


    I watched several funny and interesting videos but did not spot the A&P events. People looked like they were enjoying themselves in the depression years at The World's Fair.

    Established in Manhattan in 1925, Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, known everywhere as A&P operated more than thirteen thousand grocery stores nationwide, with more than forty thousand employees.

    By 1950, approximately ten cents out of every dollar spent on food in the United States passed over A&P counters.
    A&P's decline began in the early 1950s, when it failed to keep pace with competitors that opened larger supermarkets with more modern features demanded by customers.
    By the 1970s, A&P stores were outdated, and its efforts to combat high operating costs resulted in poor customer service.
    A&P was for sale in 2013 but could not find a buyer. Declaring a loss in April 2015, it filed for its second Chapter 11 bankruptcy on July 19 of that year.
    All of its supermarkets were sold or closed by November 25, 2015.

    Cheerio HK464a

    1933CenturyofProgressCheerioHK464aSCDrev.jpg 1933CenturyofProgressCheerioHK464aSCDobv.jpg

  9. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    1800's King Louis XVI of France - Fountain
    Brass Jeton



    I am to believe this US quarter size "jeton" about 24mm in diameter, and could possibly have been minted in Germany, but I am finding most associated with France.
    I suspect it was minted sometime in the early 1800's. Louis XVI was the last king of France (1774-92) in the line of Bourbon monarchs preceding the French Revolution of 1789.

    He was executed for treason by guillotine in 1793. Marie Antoinette, wife of King Louis XVI was executed at the guillotine on October 16, 1793 nine months after her husband. I do think the motto OMNIBVS NON SIBI translates in Latin roughly to NOT FOR HIMSELF BUT FOR ALL.

  10. Lem E

    Lem E Well-Known Member

  11. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    "Like" Lem E
    Awesome Landis! a wee bit jealous. I have the other FSNC.

    These are encapsulated by SEGS and both numbered #758
    The Cameo proof and matte uncirculated example I have purchased.
    Full Step Nickel Club had a mintage limit of 1938 each to have been minted, however, it is rumored that only about half of that number were produced.

    schlaguo.jpg schlagur.jpg

    A PAK token from Adolf Weiss whom I met and studied Jefferson Nickels with in the early 80's before he went off the grid.
    A is for Adolf in PAK. If he liked you, you were in. He could be a bit cantankerous.


    Another PAK token
    Lamp for design with Educating America's Youth and Knowledge at base of lamp for legend. The second medal or token I have found and acquired for my Jefferson nickel collection as a related item.

  12. Lem E

    Lem E Well-Known Member

    Thank you Sir, I appreciate it. I will admit I would have gone with a nickel or silver version, but I wanted to get one from the original source so I bit the bullet and picked this one up. I’m very happy with it. I feel like one of these original design nickels is a must for a Jeff collector. BTW your PAK tokens are really cool as are your 2 Landis pieces.
    CoinJockey73 likes this.
  13. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    Lem E
    Is yours gold? Mine are not Landis, they are 2002 Full Step Jefferson Nickel Club issues. Maybe Landis had a hand in it? I don't know.
    Lem E likes this.
  14. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    Picked this up at a coin show last weekend and just got around to researching it.
    Sons of the American Revolution Good Citizenship Medal

    SOAR 04.jpg

    I liked it because it was awarded. Anyone want to take a shot at the name that is engraved?

    SOAR 03.jpg

    I get Merlin Vormand. I figured there would be some google hits on a name that interesting but ..... nothin'.
  15. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    I found some Merlin Normand search results?
  16. Lem E

    Lem E Well-Known Member

    Yes it is 24k gold. #14 of 17 struck. Sorry, I thought those were Landis pieces as well. They are awesome regardless of who made them.
    CoinJockey73 and TheNickelGuy like this.
  17. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    Now I can see how that could be an N. Thanks
  18. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    1965 Winston Churchill
    Spink & Son Ltd. Medal

    Boxed with literature
    38 mm 28.2 grams .925 Sterling Silver



    I don't find a mintage figure anywhere but there is usually one or three to be found for sale sold on eBay.

    Winston Churchill
    Born November 30, 1874
    Died January 24, 1965


    Winston Churchill, in full Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, British statesman, orator, and author who as prime minister rallied the British people during World War II and led his country from the brink of defeat to victory.

    ... we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

    At the darkest - yet also the finest - hour in British history, in June 1940, the London Evening Standard published a drawing by its great cartoonist David Low, which, in the three word caption 'Very Well, Alone!' - starkly summed up the nation's situation.

    Sir David Alexander Cecil Low was a political cartoonist and caricaturist who lived and worked in the United Kingdom for many years.

  19. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    1970 The Steamship Historical Society
    The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race Medal Set

    I pieced this set together one at a time.
    The Sterling Silver Proof Finish had a mintage of 7507
    The Bronze Proof Finish had a mintage of 2490
    The Nickel ( Nickel Silver ) Mint Finish had a mintage of only 500
    and I actually own two of the nickel 500!
    I think that's .4 % of the mintage!





    housed in a plastic case with original printed silver label.




    Housed on original card with literature.




    Housed on original card with literature.


    These medals were struck by The Franklin Mint for The Steamship Historical Society celebrating the 100 Anniversary of the record setting "Great Steamboat Race" between the Robert E Lee and The Natchez in 1870 in which The Lee won. The record still stands although the race still takes place each year just before The Kentucky Derby.

    In the summer of 1870, The Robert E. Lee won a famed steamboat race against The Natchez, going from New Orleans to St. Louis, Missouri, a distance of 1,154 miles in 3 days, 18 hours and 14 minutes.
    John W. Cannon, the captain of The Robert E. Lee, ensured victory by removing excess weight, carrying only a few passengers, and using prearranged barges to increase the speed of refueling.

    The Natchez finished the race with the speed of 3 days, 21 hours and 58 minutes, but had been delayed by fog for six hours, and had numerous passengers to weigh it down.
    Noted steamboat captain and historian Frederick Way, Jr., disputes this version of history somewhat. He cites Johnny Farrell, second engineer of The Natchez: "This old idea about the two boats preparing for days for the race, tearing down bulkheads, putting up wind sheaves, and a lot of other stuff, is not true. When I went aboard The Robert E. Lee, all they had done was to move the coal bunkers a little forward... On our boat there was absolutely no preparation whatever. There was no such thing as colors flying, bands playing, and the decks of both boats crowded with ladies and gentlemen."
    Way also writes that at Vicksburg, both boats took fuel flats in tow and emptied them under way. In addition, both vessels advertised before the race that they would accept freight and passengers.

  20. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    The Model Mills, Nagpur, India, 11 paisa canteen token

    ND Nagpur Model Mill.jpg
  21. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    1873 Elgin Watch Co Chicago Inter-State Exposition R-IL-EL-8



    This is an advertising medal from Elgin Watch Co of Elgin Illinois which is located about 35 miles northwest of Chicago. It was made in the Exposition Building in the first year The Chicago Inter-State Exposition opened. This watch face has the time at about 3:03.
    Odd that the hour hand is at about the 3:15 position.

    (I think I have two of these in equal condition)


    The Elgin National Watch Company was a major US watch maker from 1864 to 1968.

    A very similar medal exists with "Contribution to 1873 Yellow Fever Sufferers" over the watch face on the reverse.

    1873 Elgin Watch Co.
    Yellow Fever Sufferers Variety
    Chicago Inter-State Exposition



    The time on this watch face reads about 3:38.
    A more scarce variety, this one was minted to benefit those who were affected by the "Yellow Fever" that broke out in Shreveport Louisiana in 1873. Most of the doctors and nurses there at the time were among the 759 citizens who died in an 80-day period to the epidemic, with over 400 additional victims eventually succumbing.
    The total death toll from August through November was approximately 1,200.
    Many were buried in a single common grave named Yellow Fever Mound.
    It began when men who were working to remove a log jam were bitten by infected mosquitos near the small city.


    Yellow fever virus is mainly transmitted through the bite of the yellow fever mosquito, but other mosquitoes such as the tiger mosquito can also serve as a vector for this virus.
    Like other arboviruses, which are transmitted by mosquitoes, yellow fever virus is taken up by a female mosquito when it ingests the blood of an infected human or another primate.
    When the mosquito next sucks blood, it injects its saliva into the wound, and the virus reaches the bloodstream of the bitten person.
    The transmission from a female mosquito to her eggs and then larvae, are indicated. The offspring are born as carriers without having a previous blood meal and it seems to also play a role in single, sudden breakouts of the disease.


    Another Elgin medal has Father Time on the obverse in a similar pose as shown above. I have missed a few and passed up many as they are often seen quite worn. I believe sometimes they came with the purchase of a new pocket watch and had the matching serial number.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2022
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