Do you think the mint will stop making half dollars soon or do you think they will change the design to something new?
I think the half dollar will go before the cent, but neither will likely go soon. I think the half dollar will eventually get a redesign, possibly into something crazy like they're doing with the quarters. It and the dime are the only ones the mint hasn't messed with... yet.
Redesigning the Kennedy half dollar. What brilliant idea! Maybe even just add a W mint mark available only in annual collector sets. Collectors would hoard them all, and the mint wouldn’t have to store them in vaults.
All of these changes to US currency require a vote in congress, right? In that case, no. Nothing will change.
News Flash! Distribution of business strike ATB quarters with the West Point mintmark started this month. Chris
If a person can't get just one and has to pay a premium then it is "IDFO". It's the same with the Circulation Grade S Mint quarters. You have to buy in bulk or get one from a dealer. Am I missing something?
Horsehockey! Do what CRHers do! Don't blame the dealers just because you can't afford to pay the premium the Mint charges. Chris
Wow! Did my opinion push the wrong button? I didn't intend to insult anyone. I didn't intend to establish a standard. Very sorry if I offended you. Dave
No offense taken. I just believe in calling a spade, a spade. It's not the dealers' fault. It's not the Mint's fault, either. I used to order bags of uncirculated coins from the Mint to find specimens to submit for grading. I did real well for myself, but now that I'm retired, I can't afford to do it. Do you think I should blame the Mint or the dealers for my lack of funds? Chris
I guess it is just that I find it difficult to differentiate between collecting and buying. I know that we have to do some. Take the W Mint quarters. There is no chance to get a full set. Therefore, I look at them quite differently. They should not be considered as part of a year set. Or even a series set. Most of them will never get into circulation. I have a complete set of 20th Century Dollars, Half Dollars, all but the extremely rare Quarters, all the Dimes, all the Nickels and all but 3 Pennies. I guess it is no big deal as I won't live long enough to get a complete set of 21st Century. Good luck to you.
I don’t see the JFK design changing. Due to the tragedy, he’s still iconic. The worn-out design, in the estimation of your humble narrator, is the Roosevelt dime.
Profiles in courage award was featured on CBS Sunday Morning today........... I never much liked Mr. Kennedy (in my youth), but I've grown to respect, and like him all the more, in my later years........