Is this a Bronze Disease?

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by mani, Mar 5, 2020.

  1. mani

    mani Junior Member

    Hello friends
    On this safavid coin the green patina is visible. Is this a Bronze Disease? If yes what is your Suggestion about clean it. What must I do? I've never had the experience abut it. realy I'm afraid of repair it.

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  3. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Looks like regular copper, hard to tell from the photos.

    Did you use a toothpick and try and pick some of it off? Is it powdery if it does? Even your fingernail can work.
    mani, ominus1 and Ryro like this.
  4. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    Doesn't look it too many. Mineral deposit would be my guess.
    mani likes this.
  5. gsimonel

    gsimonel Well-Known Member

    I agree. Unless you see a powder building up on the surface over time that it easily brushed off, it's not bronze disease, just normal oxidation of copper.
    mani likes this.
  6. mani

    mani Junior Member

    thank for all
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