Is Anybody Buying Anything From The Mint?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Santinidollar, Apr 6, 2022.

  1. Casman

    Casman Well-Known Member

    Sure someone’s buying them. They are the less informed folks. I worked with a guy that bought from those type companies. He’d show me his buys, tell me what he paid, and I’d lettem know he overpaid by 30-40 percent. He’d always say well I don’t care because I’m not selling.
    I’m not questioning your collecting habits. You indicated it doesn’t matter to you, much like my buddy, but you’re nonetheless throwing out numbers to support your interest, and those numbers are unrealistic in today’s market.

    The milk spot problem has been around for decades.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
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  3. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    If you're buying, those prices are accurate.
    If you're selling, prepare to sell for less than mint issue.

    Most all current mint issue ASE's will net you a loss. The older ones from the 80's-90's will net you a gain because of spot silver prices. Numismatically speaking, even those would be a losing proposition.
  4. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    My take is that even if I'm never planning to sell, I look for a good price -- because that lets me buy more coins. Or buy more other stuff, or invest more money so I can buy more stuff later.
    Casman likes this.
  5. LakeEffect

    LakeEffect Average Circulated Supporter

    Just got notified my silver proof set will ship later this month. It will keep my streak alive for one more year. I like the silver sets.

    The bad news? it's $25 more than last year., which was $40 more than it was in 2020.

    Don't know how long the streak will last, especially after I retire in the near future.
    dwhiz and Inspector43 like this.
  6. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I stop buying them as I think they are overpriced.
    tommyc03 and Inspector43 like this.
  7. Sting 60

    Sting 60 Well-Known Member

    I just wait until the next year and buy one off ebay. Last two years I was able to buy both for $7 and $5 cheaper than the mint was selling them and got free shipping as well.
  8. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    You can usually do better in the after market than direct from the mint.
    UncleScroge, Jeffjay and Inspector43 like this.
  9. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    That should tell everyone something about the value of US Mint products. It is rare to have any mint product hold even its issue price. I quit about 3 years ago.
  10. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Exactly! I can buy them cheaper at my LCS. What do you think that says?
    Inspector43 and UncleScroge like this.
  11. Jim Dale

    Jim Dale Well-Known Member

    I didn't start collecting coins until my father died and left me half of his coins. After looking over the coins to see what was there, I did a lot of research on coins and decided that I would like to start my own coin collection. I looked for the type of coins that I would like to collect. I like coins that are Proof or those that are very nice. I compared the price of the coins at the Mint as well as ebay and other Coin Stores. I like my coins almost pristine. The best coins that I saw for the money was and is at the Mint. I don't collect graded coins because I like to research my coins and compare them to those in coin books, of which I have many.
    It's an expensive hobby. My wife and I are retired State employees. I was a State Auditor and my wife was a high school English teacher. We have no children, therefore, no heirs. I do have a son, but he is wealthy on his own. We are currently collecting nice size state retirement incomes and Social Security. We own two homes, 4 cars (all Toyotas) as well as annuities. What else would you do if you had more money in the bank that you could never spend. We are conservative in our spending, so, any other ideas where you could by gold and silver coins which will appreciate over time?
    So, each of us has a reason to buy or not to buy U.S. Mint Coins. I wish you all the best. (Did I tell you I have 4 dogs and a cat?)
  12. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    @Jim Dale We only have 3 dogs and a cat.
    Jim Dale and UncleScroge like this.
  13. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    What's it like when the Mailman comes around everyday? :wacky:
    Jim Dale likes this.
  14. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    @Jim Dale, sometimes, if you wait a few years, you can buy some modern issues in the secondary market for less than the mint’s issue prices. This is quite often true for Proof sets and the modern commemorative coins.

    The modern commemorative gold coins became a good investment for me because of the price of gold bullion. I decided to collect the gold pieces. Since it was after the mint had sold them, I bought them in the secondary market usually for less than the mint issue prices. All of them now sell for melt, which now much higher than I paid for most of them.
  15. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    The 2023's are nothing like the 1921s, but they're nice.
    Jim Dale and johnmilton like this.
  16. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    I'm still trying to decide whether to but the 2023 S proof Peace from the Mint or wait and see if it drops on the secondary market.
  17. psuman08

    psuman08 Active Member

    I was very pleasantly surprised at how great the 2023 proof silver dollars look. The packaging is terrible, but the coins exceeded my expectations.
    Jim Dale, Clawcoins and KeviniswhoIam like this.
  18. Hommer

    Hommer Curator of Semi Precious Coinage

    I'm up for adoption
    Jim Dale likes this.
  19. BearlyHereBear

    BearlyHereBear Active Member

  20. Sting 60

    Sting 60 Well-Known Member

    I agree, I bought a pair from the mint, but had a bad spot on the peace dollar. I decided to get these instead because I figure it's my only proof morgan and peace dollars that I will ever own.

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  21. Player11

    Player11 Bullish

    No stopped it years ago. Buy off secondary market / walkup sellers to my table at shows. Even with that USM material can be slow moving / bulky to store.
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