I need help!!!

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Keemo859, Mar 22, 2007.

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  1. Keemo859

    Keemo859 New Member

    Can anyone tell me what I have here? As you can see, the coin has two heads on either side and when you look at a head and turn it upside down a new head appears. This illusion applies to both sides of the coin. All four heads are different. Can you help? Thanks!!!

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  3. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    A token
  4. JeromeLS

    JeromeLS Coin Fanatic

    Sorry, that's rubbish. It is a 19th century religious medal...
  5. Drusus

    Drusus Pecunia non olet

    It looks very interesting, anyway you can get a large shot so we can read it?
  6. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    There's a thread on this in another section.As I have explained,it is a medal depicting the mythical Pope Joan,who is believed to have been a Popess of Rome.

  7. Keemo859

    Keemo859 New Member

    Thanks to Aidan! and whatever to all others

    The info you gave me, on that other "thread" was more then what anybody else has been able to give and I did go to W-pedia and read. It was informative, but your original reply, " it looks like a " left an open end of uncertenty which is why I kept persuing for answers. As you see, as usual the replies I've been getting, "a token", "It's rubbish" and so forth, have been extreamly inforative "HA!" My father-law gave it to me befor he died, I didn't ask the "rubbish" man :D how much it was worth. I guess mister "token" likes his answers short and simple. You on the other hand, I'll just say thank you and I'm sorry if you got annoyed with me, it wasn't my intetion. These threads are new to me and "DA" confusing. But I did learn to navigate somewhat, hopefully the next site I go to will be a little better. You take care of yourself and thanks again!

    One more thing. When I see another Piece of "token rubbish" like mine with an expanation of what it is :desk: , then I'll be satisfied :smile . I'm sure you, unlike the :stooge: and probably like most other collector's can understand.
  8. spiraltreet

    spiraltreet New Member

    hello friend.. I can understand your frustration.. But believe me, I found this wonderful site full of helping hands.. These guys are quite open-hearted and very honest.. I dont think their intention was to hurt your feelings or something like that.. They were just trying to help you.. And ofcourse, everyone sometimes do make mistakes.. and they will surely admit it if they are wrong.. I'm quite sure about it.. [​IMG]
  9. Ian

    Ian Coin Collector

    The original posters attitude problem certainly wouldn't encourage me to be of any assistance to him / her.

    I wish them best of luck with their token / thing.
  10. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    Well how else would you want me to type Keemo and Ian. All I know is, it's just not a coin - If it's not a coin, then it must be a token or medal. Not knowing anything else, what else do you expect me to type out? Another 500 words of explaining that I don't know what it is either??? You can read it any ways you like but if you or others have read it negatively, unfortunately that wasn't my intention to.
  11. De Orc

    De Orc Well-Known Member

    gxseries I think Ian was not refering to yourself as you are not the original poster LOL Keemo you asked a question and it was answerdA Token'? this was not disparaging at all it was a honest answer, this was followed by the Rubbish comment again not aimed at your token but at gxseries answer so why not have :hug: all around :hug:

    De Orc :hug:
  12. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Could you post bigger pics so we can read the inscriptions? May provide better clues to identify them with.
  13. Ian

    Ian Coin Collector

    I was referring specifically to the original poster in this thread.
  14. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    Ian, let's say being up on the computer at 2 in the morning isnt' too helpful. [​IMG]

    Moderators, will it be possible to merge this thread and the other thread together in the coin chat section?
  15. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    Too right!

  16. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

  17. Speedy

    Speedy Researching Coins Supporter

    There is no need to start two threads about the same thing----please limit yourself to one thread.

    This thread is closed.

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