i just need to vent about roll searching

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by swish513, Dec 18, 2010.

  1. cerdsalicious

    cerdsalicious BigShot

    20 shots later and the one on the right doesn't look too bad. Must be the alcohol blood poisoning talking.
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  3. dctjr80

    dctjr80 Senior Member

    Hey, don't talk about their baby sister that way!!!
  4. johnnyflesh

    johnnyflesh New Member

    Maybe your girl is going through your boxes while you sleep and re-rolling them, lol. Does she look sleepy and laugh under her breath while you curse change? (I'm right by Kings Island by the way. Small world.)
  5. coop

    coop Senior Member

    She is the lucky one. She has you!
  6. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    You gotta do more volume. I've looked through $3500 or so in nickels since September and I have more than a roll of war nickels to show for it... along with a roll of dated Buffs, but that's another story.
  7. Fifty

    Fifty Master Roll Searcher

    I can identify. It seems like when my wife helps me roll search she hits the hot ones. I would go through box after box of halves and find nothing and she would come up with some the first box she opened.
  8. Vess1

    Vess1 CT SP VIP Supporter

    Youngsters? That's enough to scare grown men off!!

    Good one though! lol
  9. elijahhenry10

    elijahhenry10 New Member

    How do you get the bank to give you so much? The most pennies they've given me is $20 worth and $60 in dimes. They say that they are not allowed to give me more.
  10. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    I know how you feel.

    My girlfriend out-fishes me too.

    Women have all the luck.
  11. Coinbrag

    Coinbrag Junior Member

    Sounds to my like you're the luckiest. You've found a woman who finds good coins!
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