Hello My Name Is: Nero

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by MaryContrary, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. Curtis

    Curtis Well-Known Member

    Only if you want it to be unsealed anyway. I doubt it's going to be a decisive factor in judging authenticity. To me it looks like it's probably fine. I don't see any reason to doubt it. Saying where it came from and what it weighs may or may not change anything.

    Photos that are a bit better won't prove it. (If it's fake, good enough photos might show that convincingly; but you won't prove it's genuine; a good enough fake will also look genuine.)

    The only other thing I can think of that you can do online to add new information is to search for die matches (i.e., genuine coins struck from the same dies, or fakes produced from the same dies/molds).

    That's just how it usually is with ancient coins. If you don't feel you can judge a coin yourself, you have to rely on the reputation and judgment of whoever sells it to you or owned it previously. (Or send/show it to someone in person for their opinion.)
    Broucheion and MaryContrary like this.
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  3. MaryContrary

    MaryContrary Wanted By Coin Cops

    Thank you very much for your help. I think I'll just leave it alone. I'm going to keep it anyway. I truly appreciate your kindness.
    Curtis likes this.
  4. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Mary, You have found your way to the dark side. You may never find your way back. Fun coin Mary, I will read the thread in the morning.
    Tall Paul and MaryContrary like this.
  5. svessien

    svessien Senior Member

    The coin looks like a genuine coin from Nero, grade VF.
    It's the most common Nero denarius, and my avatar has the same Salus reverse. Congrats with another 12 Caesars coin!

    "In the empire, Salus appeared as both Salus Publica and Salus Augusti, the latter because it was thought that during the imperial era, the well being of the Emperor was equated with the well being of the whole of Rome itself. When Romans made sacrifices to Salus, they were not asking for the salvation offered by Christianity in the after life, but for the safety of the here and now, especially for the Emperor, since his health reflected the health of the population as a whole. So, during the empire, offerings to Salus became a test of political loyalty, for not joining in with the celebrations was tantamount to rejecting the Emperor’s authority and this could lead to the loss of one’s own salus - death. The celebration continued until paganism was replaced by Christianity towards the end of the 4th century."

    MaryContrary and Curtis like this.
  6. MaryContrary

    MaryContrary Wanted By Coin Cops

    I have!!! I was over in World Coins too. lol I'm just a Social Butterfly. :joyful:
  7. MaryContrary

    MaryContrary Wanted By Coin Cops

    I'm glad to hear that the coin appears to be genuine. I may go ahead and take it out of the sealed plastic just to take better pictures of it and then I can put it back in plastic again. What a fascinating read about Salus. I just love mythology. Strange how her temple was struck by lightening...twice!
    svessien likes this.
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