Guess the grade part 2

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by spock1k, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    ok guys day 2 is here ;) its a 1909 vdb

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  3. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

  4. mark_h

    mark_h Somewhere over the rainbow

  5. Harryj

    Harryj Supporter**

    MS 64 RED, maybe higher, would need a bigger pic. Nice toning on that one!!!!!! Nice coin.
  6. mikenoodle

    mikenoodle The Village Idiot Supporter

  7. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    66RB, but who can really tell with the miniscule photos.
  8. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    you want me to answer that question? i know someone here who can get the grade right after seeing only the shadow :)

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Tough with those pics but I'll guess 64 RB.
  10. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    I think that is an MS 63. It boggles my mind how copper can stay red after 100 years. I have no explanation how that can happen with an oxygen atmosphere.

    BTW - specifically Lincolns face looks washed to me.

  11. tcore

    tcore Coin Collector

    MS65 RB is my guess.
  12. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    Doesn't it look to be too rolly polly to be a MS65?

  13. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    yea it looks right for a 70 :D
  14. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    my heart breaks
    and all it takes
    is one wrong guess
    oh what a mess

    my dear GD :D
  15. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    Can't you give us smaller pics, I can almost see these. Wait a minute, let me hold my loupe up against the screen. :D

    Just busting your chops for the small pics, Spock. I say this is 65 and up, all the way. The discoloration/toning in spots shouldn't affect that grade one bit. At least, IMHO...
  16. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    it only looks like that its a solid red coin. dont worry as we reach part 4 the pics become smaller and then from 5 onwards it becomes hazy as well. then at the end of round 7 i will tell you guys something that might give you some insight on how far your grading has come :D
  17. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    It is either red or red brown. That is all I can tell from those pics.
  18. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Well-Known Member

    I'll take a stab and say MS-66 R/B, but it is difficult to tell by the pics. There does seem to be a little too much chatter in the fields to go that high, so I'll say it's atleast a MS-65 R/B, due to what appears blazing color, strike (norm though for VDBs), and luster. Very beautiful coin man IMHO. :thumb:

    Phoenix :cool:
  19. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    you are right :D
  20. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    So what do i win?
  21. SteveMS70

    SteveMS70 New Member

    Looks a lot like mine. MS65RB
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