Guess the grade #73

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by rlm's cents, Sep 12, 2010.


1955-D NGC Grade?

Poll closed Sep 18, 2010.
  1. 63

    0 vote(s)
  2. 64

    0 vote(s)
  3. 65

  4. 66

  5. 67

  6. 68

  1. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    1955-D NGC slabbed

    NOTE: If you don't vote in the poll, your vote will not be counted

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  3. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    I wanted to guess 68, but guessed 67 instead. Nice coin!
  4. Shoewrecky

    Shoewrecky Coin Hoarder

    I gave it a 67 for the nice nick on the nose and to the right of the Lincoln's ear.
  5. 50cent

    50cent What A steal

  6. jallengomez

    jallengomez Cessna 152 Jockey

  7. Duke Kavanaugh

    Duke Kavanaugh The Big Coin Hunter

  8. Coinguy56

    Coinguy56 Member

  9. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

  10. ddoomm1

    ddoomm1 keep on running

    prob a 67 but went liberally with a MS-68
  11. EyeEatWheaties

    EyeEatWheaties Cent Hoarder

    65 because I know thats wrong it looks more like 66 but since I haven't guessed one right yet....
  12. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

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