GTG: 1892 Barber Dime

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by IBetASilverDollar, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. IBetASilverDollar

    IBetASilverDollar Well-Known Member

    Decided to take the dive into the world of type coin collecting recently. Here's my first pickup towards that goal. I really like the eye appeal of the coin personally but have no clue how to grade them so figured I could learn a thing or two with a GTG thread. Next on my list is a Barber quarter and half so any tips on what to look for with Barbers would be great.

    Hopefully the pictures are okay mine are the first set, second set is sellers pictures. The scratch on reverse is on the slab not coin.





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  3. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    This is a tough coin to grade. If you just showed the reverse, I would be inclined to say MS64 with a shot at MS65, but alas, we must address the obverse. The seller's photos show the entire coin to be bright and lustrous with attractive toning. The coin is pretty clean but the hairlines on the obverse devices are a killer. Since the hairlines are contained to that one area, I'm gonna say that PCGS net graded the coin rather than deem it cleaned. I say they graded the coin either MS62 or MS63. Given the attractiveness of the coin, I'm going with MS63.
    IBetASilverDollar likes this.
  4. Patrick King

    Patrick King Well-Known Member

  5. IBetASilverDollar

    IBetASilverDollar Well-Known Member

    Appreciate the detailed response. I'll look with a loupe later on today at the obverse devices. Used to dealing with $1 sized coins this is a whole new animal
    Dave Waterstraat likes this.
  6. TypeCoin971793

    TypeCoin971793 Just a random guy on the internet

    I would say AU-58. The hairlines look more like the result of circulation rather than a cleaning.
    IBetASilverDollar likes this.
  7. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    Certainly a possibility, but I still think the coin gets a net grade.
  8. jtlee321

    jtlee321 Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking along the same lines as @Lehigh96 on this one. The coin has fabulous eye appeal (you have a great eye for that) but the hairlines on the obverse are limiting the grade on this coin. MS-63 is a fair grade for it.

    Or as another would say: It's defiantly a MS-63, and you can take that to the bank.
    IBetASilverDollar likes this.
  9. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    As always a good eye appealing coin ,if you think dimes takes some time getting use to due to size ....just wait until you go into half dimes and 3 cent pieces :) Since I have one to compare to a Barber dime that is ,and as the others have voiced hard to read I'm going Au.58 . It's a nice specimen for sure but cannot read it as a MS coin .
    IBetASilverDollar likes this.
  10. IBetASilverDollar

    IBetASilverDollar Well-Known Member

    There was a California fractional gold piece at a live auction I went to a few weeks back. I couldn't believe how small it was, if that thing wasn't in a slab there is no chance I could get it back to my car without losing it lol
    jtlee321 and Paddy54 like this.
  11. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Be extremely careful buying these....I've seen more fakes then the real McCoys!
    They are really cool but make sure even graded it's legit .
    IBetASilverDollar likes this.
  12. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    With this comment in mind, I'd go 64
    IBetASilverDollar likes this.
  13. IBetASilverDollar

    IBetASilverDollar Well-Known Member

    I believe it, from a counterfeiters point of view seems like that would be a likely target. Definitely have to know what you're doing with those little guys.
    Paddy54 likes this.
  14. heavycam.monstervam

    heavycam.monstervam Outlaw Trucker & Coin Hillbilly

    Check it
    Book it
    Bet it

    Well, i guess it could be a 62 lol
    IBetASilverDollar likes this.
  15. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

  16. IBetASilverDollar

    IBetASilverDollar Well-Known Member

    Will post up results in a few hours.

    Did look at it under a loupe last night and can definitely see some hairlines but not as bad as the pictures make it seem and can't see a thing from normal distance tilting it all directions. Strange, not sure why they're there but it doesn't really take anything away from the coin for me or bother me much so it is what it is.
    jtlee321 likes this.
  17. IBetASilverDollar

    IBetASilverDollar Well-Known Member

    You all pretty much nailed it. Cool coin, glad to own it.

    Paddy54 and Dancing Fire like this.
  18. TypeCoin971793

    TypeCoin971793 Just a random guy on the internet

    It probably spent a couple days in someone's pocket and then got stored away. I guess that is the fuzzy line between "circulated" and "uncirculated."
    IBetASilverDollar likes this.
  19. IBetASilverDollar

    IBetASilverDollar Well-Known Member

    Yeah could be the case and would make sense since it's really confined to a small area with no signs anywhere on the reverse or most of the obverse. I'm definitely not sure what slab this coin should be in, I just know I'm happy owning it so the rest doesn't matter much to me.
    Paddy54 likes this.
  20. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

  21. IBetASilverDollar

    IBetASilverDollar Well-Known Member

    That looks familiar! Nice coin
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