GTG - 1832 50c

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by CircCam, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. CircCam

    CircCam Victory

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  3. numist

    numist Member Supporter

  4. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    XF-45. ;)
    CircCam likes this.
  5. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    Do you have a question or just showing your nice coin?
    CircCam likes this.
  6. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    GTG. (Guess the Grade).
    CircCam likes this.
  7. CircCam

    CircCam Victory

    The question is… “What is the TPG Grade?”
    Mr.Q likes this.
  8. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    Brain freeze, sorry. VF-20
    CircCam likes this.
  9. Publius2

    Publius2 Well-Known Member

    45. The weakness at PLURI is most likely due to a bulged die although someone more experienced with this series than I might have a different opinion.
    CircCam, dwhiz and Cheech9712 like this.
  10. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

  11. Mr. Numismatist

    Mr. Numismatist Strawberry Token Enthusiast

  12. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    45 or 50
    CircCam likes this.
  13. Jeffjay

    Jeffjay Well-Known Member

    CircCam likes this.
  14. longshot

    longshot Enthusiast Supporter

    AU50, tired dies and weak strike make it look lower grade than it really is.
    CircCam and ldhair like this.
  15. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    I think this one grabs AU. I like the eye appeal.
    CircCam and Randy Abercrombie like this.
  16. Dima

    Dima Member

    Thinking this could be AU50
    CircCam likes this.
  17. Anthony Mazza

    Anthony Mazza Well-Known Member

  18. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    45, nice coin.
    CircCam and SensibleSal66 like this.
  19. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

  20. psuman08

    psuman08 Active Member

  21. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    I really like the coin. The worn dies give it a pretty cool look.
    CircCam likes this.
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