Do you dislike any particular coin series?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by CoinBlazer, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Nawwww.... Nothing to regret.... Other than thick legs are very attractive. ;)
    Mainebill, Kentucky and Ima Dragon like this.
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  3. SilverDollar2017

    SilverDollar2017 Morgan dollars

    LOL. :D

    Nah, I definitely understand how someone could dislike Morgans. Liberty does look a bit like an NFL lineman, as Santinidollar pointed out. But I still like 'em, and collect them. ;)

    Okay, we'll have to agree to disagree here. :p
    Ima Dragon likes this.
  4. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    SBA's to ugly and small.
    JCro57 and Ima Dragon like this.
  5. rooman9

    rooman9 Lovin Shiny Things

    The American Silver Eagle. I know some might argue it's not a coin but bullion. But I do not like them.
    HAB Peace 28 2.0 likes this.
  6. TyCobb

    TyCobb A product of PMD

    I guess not really a series, but certain years of the Sac dollars bug the hell out me. I can't find a good picture to show what I am talking about because I think it's more a circulation/strike thing.

    Some years she has a decent smile and others she has crazy eyes and a weird stupid looking smirk.

    I wouldn't mind the SBA so much if they had a better reverse. I like it on some coins, but it feels so weird and out of place on the SBA to me.
  7. onecenter

    onecenter Member

    No. All coins are good coins.
  8. jafo50

    jafo50 Active Member

    I'm not a big fan of Liberty V Nickels. Unless you have a mint state example they just look overly worn, beat up and dirty. I realize they were a staple coin for commerce during that time period but they just didn't wear well.
    USCoinCollector42 likes this.
  9. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Its fine to say you dislike a particular coin, but DO not then continue in a political discussion on the design.

    Barber is the bottom of my list.
  10. Ima Dragon

    Ima Dragon Year of the Dragon

    More than anything I really enjoy the story of how the Morgan even became a Dollar coin at all . The 1878 7TF is the only one I collect of Morgan Dollars .
    Anna Willes Williams was a Plain but not unpleasant representation of Lady Liberty , it does appear masculine though .
  11. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    The Eisenhower dollar is far the worst design of American coins and compares with the Churchill Crown as my favorite for the worst British coin.
  12. CoinBlazer

    CoinBlazer Numismatic Enthusiast

    Agreed on the Ike part.
    Ima Dragon and Kentucky like this.
  13. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    How about this...
  14. CoinBlazer

    CoinBlazer Numismatic Enthusiast

    Oh lord, I literally cringed when I saw it
    sergeant and Kentucky like this.
  15. TyCobb

    TyCobb A product of PMD

    He melted into it!

    Looks like a sketch that was to be used for a courtroom drawing.
    sergeant, CasualAg$, Bayern and 2 others like this.
  16. HAB Peace 28 2.0

    HAB Peace 28 2.0 The spiders are as big as the door

    I can't stand SLQs. Terrible Obverse design. Ike's look like, Ike blended with a Grey Alien lol. Then that cheap clad looking moon, with all those craters is just awful. On the other hand, Silver Ike's look a little better. They are at least tolerable to look at.
  17. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    Anything with a dead pres on it anything clad. Not a fan of any nickels buffalo the best in my opinion but my interest ends with half dimes. Same with cents. Large is the end of my interest. Of all the classic good designs the classic head copper and gold my least favorite the draped bust my favorite. Along with the trade dollar. There’s some great patterns too that I wish became us coin designs. Amazonian anyone? Or the schoolgirl dollar. As to the st gaudens $20. One of my favorites and big legs are a great thing if they’re shapely. Always been a fan of extra curves from top to bottom
  18. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    From their latest statements they plan on trying to move further AWAY from the use of allegorical depictions of Liberty. Figures. For forty years collectors have been asking for a return to the "Lady Liberty" idea, their response is to try to move further away from it.

    Looks like the eagle got run over by a car. :)

    Better than the brain dead mouth breather that came after it.

    I've never understood people think so much of that 1977 prototype design for the dollar. They copied the mouth breather and made her look even worse.
  19. Morpheus

    Morpheus Active Member

    I have only been collection for about three years now. When I first started out, I did silver eagles. And man, I had a ton of them. I had literally every one you could have except the 95-W. I had full raw sets of MS, PF and burnished. Full raw sets of MS69 and PF69. Full sets raw and graded of all the anniversary sets. Well over 200.

    At that time, just starting, I really only saw one set that I really disliked. Morgans. They were everywhere. Everyone collected old morgans. No way was I ever going to collect them.

    Fast forward three years. I have sold all the eagles. Literally cringe every time a new one comes out. This mint, that mint, Congratulations, Limited Edition set, etc.

    I went back and did some older US sets. Full peace dollar set. 2 coins away from a full mercury set.

    And what have I just started collecting?

    Graded Morgans. And enjoying it much, much more.

    Edit to add: And if anyone can figure out how I can delete my siggy, I would appreciate it. Those are sold and gone as well, but I can't delete it. When I try to delete it, there is nothing there. It simply does not show on the settings page.
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  20. Morpheus

    Morpheus Active Member

    Nevermind, finally figured it out. Had to use the editor button.
  21. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    Any modern coin a 69/70 TPG holder.
    Paul M. and KSorbo like this.
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