Can V Nickel Dates be Revealed with Acid?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Mr. Numismatist, Nov 23, 2023.

  1. Mr. Numismatist

    Mr. Numismatist Strawberry Token Enthusiast

    I don't really see why not, but it doesn't hurt to ask (hopefully... ;)).
    Thank you for your time, information and opinions.

    Here's the coin in question:
    IMG_3951.JPG IMG_3952.JPG
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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    I would imagine acid would work on that the same way it does on a missing Buffalo nickel date.
    johnmilton and Mr. Numismatist like this.
  4. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Yes nic-a-date should work on that as well as shield nickels.
    Mr. Numismatist likes this.
  5. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Looks like 1883 with CENTS. Might be my imagination, but I think I see a ghost of a 3.
    JP@ and Mr. Numismatist like this.
  6. Mr. Numismatist

    Mr. Numismatist Strawberry Token Enthusiast

    I forgot to mention that I'm doing the vinegar method.

    1883!? I'm quite certain the last digits are 85 or 86.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2023
    Kevin Mader likes this.
  7. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    Nic-a-date may work but kiss any value goodbye. The coin is worn quite badly already so if you need to know for your own satisfaction go for it. Good luck.
    Mr. Numismatist likes this.
  8. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Yes the date can be restored enough to read it. Nic a date works but it leaves a brown spot. Other acids and things will work and they don’t look as bad but it’s still altering the coins surface and that translates to damage.
    kountryken, Mr. Numismatist and Mr.Q like this.
  9. Sunflower_Coins

    Sunflower_Coins Importer and Exporter

    Dateless coins don't have much value at all.
  10. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I, personally, see no sin in pulling the date without tooling. There may not be much value but you can with certainty say what the date is. If you do not hide that fact that the date was pulled with a chemical process, who should care? Not me.

    Similar processes have been used to expose artists of rare paintings. Are they trashed because they are now considered damaged?
  11. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    A restored date damaged coin has more value than a dateless coin (or potentially more value, I guess I should say). I stand by nic-a-date. Haven't tried other methods.
    If there is any other way to determine the date, of course, do that.
  12. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Dilute Nitric acid ( nasty stuff~know what you are doing for protection ) If you are a chemist, if not, try to find one who can help you. I do not know if boosters are added or not, nor the concentration. Jim
  13. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Never tried that...gonna have to now...
    Mr. Numismatist likes this.
  14. lardan

    lardan Supporter! Supporter

    I hope if you go for it you show us your results. Good luck.
    Inspector43 and Mr. Numismatist like this.
  15. Mr. Numismatist

    Mr. Numismatist Strawberry Token Enthusiast

    Will do. Thanks everyone for your input.
    lardan likes this.
  16. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Make sure you post your results I have a
    similar coin I with to test using that method.
  17. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    Not always. If you wipe it off in 10-15 seconds it will not leave a brown spot but will leave a "cleaned" spot that's a tell tale sign you used it. Danged either way. Vinegar will etch the coin if left in too long so it's almost always a lose/lose situation unless it's a rare or key date which will still have some value.
    Collecting Nut likes this.
  18. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I have 2 complete sets of Indian Head Nickels. One set is nearly all what we call Acid Date. They have virtually no noticeable discoloring. The texture is very uniform. I am enclosing photos of the 1918 S as an example.
    1918 S Buffalo Acid Date.jpg
  19. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    I would rather pickle a nickel than use acid/nic-a-date. The burnt spot and lack of uniformity detract from appearance in my opinion. 50/50 white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide is what I recommend.
  20. kountryken

    kountryken Well-Known Member

  21. kountryken

    kountryken Well-Known Member

    Did you use nic-a-date? I've used it but always have a dark spot.
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