Featured 60 Junk bin picks this week

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by The Eidolon, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    Not doing much active collecting these days, but I still pore over the 10 cent bins.

    Junk 4-4-24.jpg
    From top L:
    Australia pennies 1936, 1942
    Australia 50 cents 1978 (worth $.33 face?)
    New Zealand penny 1940 (nice condition)
    Spain 10 centimos 1878
    Portugal 10 escudos 1988

    UK pennies 1889, 1898, 1900, 1916, 1920x2, 1921, 1929, 1936, 1937, 1948
    UK halfpennies 1917, 1928
    Ireland penny 1935
    China 10 cash Qing, Republic (I'd have to check the subtype, but pretty worn)
    Luxembourg 25 centimes 1946, 1947
    Switzerland 20 rappen 1959, 1970, 1975x2 (About $0.20 face value each?)
    Germany 1941 5 pfennig

    France 10 centimes 1856x2
    France 5 centimes 1924 (nice condition)
    Netherlands 5 cents 1979 (fun copper toning)
    Italy 5 centesimi 1922
    India 1 anna 1918
    Santa Clara VTA token, 1 ride
    Norway 1 krone 1966

    Mexico 50 centavos 1965
    Mexico 20 centavos 1967
    Argentina 1 centavo 1985
    Argentina 50 centavos 1952
    Argentina 25 pesos 1965
    Argentina 1 peso 1960
    Colombia 10 centavos 1959, 1964

    Nicaragua 5 centavos 1964
    Belize 25 cents 1980
    Brasil 1 cruzeiro 1943
    Chile 10 centesimos 1964

    Japan 100 yen Showa 44, 48, Heisei 3
    Japan 50 yen Showa 46, 56, Heisei 8, 13 (I buy these for the face value)
    Canada 1 cent 1934
    Lesotho 1 Sente 1979
    Fiji halfpenny 1952
    South Korea bus token?

    Nothing jumps out at me as a spectacular find, but 10 cents is a good deal for many of them, I think. Please let me know if you'd like a better photo of both sides of any of
    them. Thanks for reading!
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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Nice little batch of large pennies.

    For a ten-cent bin, that's a pretty nice assortment of stuff. Not all modern.

    One doesn't often find Nazi stuff or 1800s in ten-cent bins, at least in my experience.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2024
    The Eidolon likes this.
  4. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    For $.10each you picked a nice assortment.
    The Eidolon likes this.
  5. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    Thanks! For this particular shop, I find his distribution has changed over time. For example, he used to have a customer who would bring 100 yen coins on trips to Japan, but I guess that guy retired or something. Now they go straight to the 10 cent bin even though they are almost $0.70 face value. I used to see things packaged in flips for as low as $0.35, but now they are more likely to wind up in the bin. It's probably just not worth his time to package low end coins any more.

    Also, if I ask, he often has unsorted bags that haven't made it to the bin yet which haven't been looked over much yet. Those have a much better distribution of interesting coins than the ones already out in the bin.
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  6. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    When I was an antique mall dealer, the older and more interesting (but still inexpensive) World stuff like that got put into labeled 2x2 holders and sold at 35c each or 3/$1. (My cost was typically 5-10 cents per unit, in bulk.)

    The more modern minors or stuff I had too much of (like early West German 1-, 5-, and 10-pfennig pieces, decimalized British and Australian, Eurocents, etc.) went into the 10c or 12/$1 bin, loose. I also sold loose US Wheat cents at that same 10c or 12/$1 price.

    Any better cherrypicks I made from my source bags (say, $3 and up) would be put out in fancier computer-printed flips in my main case, priced closer to catalog.

    The labeled, 2x2-holdered 3/$1 coins were my best sellers and sometimes covered my booth rent each month.

    So I have fond memories of “junkbox” World coins. Both as a cherrypicker and seller of them. I made a few nice finds back in the day.

    This was my small setup circa late 2007. The glass front curio cabinet had a few coin books and supplies like Dansco albums.

    IMG_7762.png IMG_7763.png IMG_7764.png IMG_7765.png IMG_7766.png IMG_7767.png IMG_7768.png IMG_7769.png
    GSDykes, Heavymetal, KSorbo and 3 others like this.
  7. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    The unsorted stuff is the best. I get most of my new coins from that group nowadays. I only know one dealer that lets me do it though so I hope they stay around a long time.
    The Eidolon and lordmarcovan like this.
  8. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    Very nice cherry picking.
    Are there some silver coins in there?
    lordmarcovan and The Eidolon like this.
  9. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Not this time around, but plenty of bang for the buck at a dime a pop!
    Michael K and The Eidolon like this.
  10. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    @lordmarcovan Thanks for posting the shop pictures. If it's possible to feel nostalgic for a place one has never been, then I am definitely feeling it!

    The other local coin shop for me (sadly now gone a few years) would have a $0.25 and $0.10 bin on opposite corners of the store. Oddly, I had much better luck from the $0.10 cent bin than the other. I must have picked up hundreds of prewar Japan coins from that bin over the years. Photo was from a single visit in 2017. Japan Junk Bin 2017 IMG_3944 copy.JPG

    My favorite junk bin pick was probably this double tournois from the Principality of Sedan, Frederic-Maurice, 1634-38. It's very worn, but it is my only coin from Sedan when it was independent, and only cost 25 cents. Sedan Double Tournois 1634-38 copy.jpeg
    The other thing I will try occasionally is to ask dealers if they have any weird, old coins they can't ID which they would be willing to sell as-is to me. For about $1-5 each, I've had some interesting finds. Thats how I got this countermarked City of Wiedenbrück 3 pfennig ~1692 for about $5 US. City of Wiedenbrück 1692 3 Pfennig wheel countermark.jpg
  11. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    You’d have cherrypicked the heck out of me on Japanese, back in the day. I seldom took the time to attribute Far Eastern and Arabic coins, due to the unfamiliarity of the alphabets.

    Cyrillic script wasn’t quite as intimidating for me, but Asian characters or Arabic “squigglies” often gave me headaches.

    Rather than spend a half hour trying to attribute one of those coins, only to inevitably find it was merely worth a quarter, I usually just let those go- loose and largely unexamined- in the ten-cent bin. I suspect a lot of other dealers do the same.

    I did try to attribute Chinese cash, sometimes.
    The Eidolon likes this.
  12. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    Anything pre-WW2 Japan is decent for 10 cents. I like to look out for occupation money. I know the Manchukuo 10 Fen was a junk bin pick. (4th from L on top) Occupation Money copy.jpg

    Long ago, I was a Japanese/Chemistry double major in college. So I can more or less sightread the characters which come up on most East Asian coins. Older stuff like the seal script on some Song Dynasty coins is still quite a challenge for me.
    I went on to study materials engineering in grad school. Coin collecting is probably about the only hobby I could have picked that uses my background in chemistry, metallurgy and East Asian languages at the same time.
    GSDykes, Heavymetal, KSorbo and 2 others like this.
  13. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    That’s a definite advantage.

    Funny how coin collecting can draw on or enhance other disciplines, isn’t it? Practically everything I know about World History and Geography, I learned from coins. As a lackluster, unmotivated student in my school days, I certainly didn’t hone those disciplines there. Only my hobby provided the interest which drove me to learn that stuff on my own.

    For that reason, as a dealer, I always tried to encourage young collectors in that direction, and always offered free samples to kids and teachers.
    KSorbo and The Eidolon like this.
  14. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Now that’s a wild spending spree that I could enjoy and afford. I’d pay a dime of any cool coin. I like the George’s cuz they look old
    The Eidolon and lordmarcovan like this.
  15. cladking

    cladking Coin Collector

    I used to pick up all the 100Y coins I saw and most of the 50 and 500Y. I ended up with enough I could have gone to Japan on a vacation which was my original intent. I sold them in two big batches when the 100 yen was worth $1 and the other at about $1.20

    Best of all is before I sold them I went through and pulled out anything interesting. Besides nice early date coins in AU and minor varieties I also found an odd one with no date on it. I still don't know what it is.
    The Eidolon and lordmarcovan like this.
  16. cladking

    cladking Coin Collector

    I used to get pretty good money for the British pennies. As long as you leave most of the nice ones and oldest ones in they were very popular.

    A lot of dealers throw in coins from cut up mint sets and some of these mint sets sell for thousands of dollars now days.

    A lot of moderns are underappreciated but they almost all are in circulated condition.
    The Eidolon and lordmarcovan like this.
  17. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    If it said something like "平成元年" instead of a numerical date, that means it could be from the first year of an emperor's reign. They use the character "元" (original) instead of the number 1 or 一 for the first year of a reign.
    Heisei 1 = 1989.
    Reiwa 1 = 2019
    Showa 1 = 1926, but there wouldn't have been 100 yen coins yet back then.
    cladking and lordmarcovan like this.
  18. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    I love occupation coins too. You and I like the same stuff. Until a few years ago I didn't pay much attention to Asian and Middle Eastern coins but then I took the time to educate myself and now I get a lot of good deals.

    And regarding your comment about finding better coins in the cheaper bins, I've noticed this as well. I think it's interesting what dealers think is good.
    lordmarcovan and The Eidolon like this.
  19. Loretta

    Loretta New Member

  20. Loretta

    Loretta New Member

    Hi just wondering if you can tell me what is with the streak through the lettering on this canadian toonie
  21. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    Usually you will get a better chance of an answer if you start a new thread with a descriptive title so that people who might know the answer will see the thread.
    And of course, you would need to post a photo of the coin in question.
    A lot of Canadian coins (and others) have "woodgrain" patterning from the alloy not being evenly mixed. But I usually only see it on copper colored coins, so I don't
    know it it would happen to a toonie. Post a picture to a new thread and we'll see!
    lordmarcovan likes this.
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