2022 Secret Santa Sign-Up

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Joshua Lemons, Oct 16, 2022.

  1. jamor1960

    jamor1960 The More I learn, the Less I know....

    Feeling stupid here, because I thought I had DM'd on CoinTalk before, but if I did, I forgot how. Please help!! :confused::eek:
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  3. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member

    Simply click on Inbox next to your user name on the top banner of the page. Then click the blue square that says Start a Conversation
  4. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member

    Or alternatively, you can click on a person's username and when it pops up, you can select Start a Conversation
  5. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    Booyah . . . . . . .

    Santa Armed.jpg
    Mainebill and Joshua Lemons like this.
  6. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member

    At a solid 20 participants now! Everything is shaping up nicely and I should have the first batch of recipients out around the middle of November! If anyone knows any parties that might be interested, tag them or send them a PM. I'll try to bump the thread as needed to keep it on the first page of forum posts. Thanks again everyone who has already signed up and ones who have offered advice and assistance if needed. If you haven't heard directly from me you are in, but have messaged your address, please let me know.
    bradgator2 and jamor1960 like this.
  7. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    Dm sent. In for 1 and 2 glad to be back participating
    tibor and Joshua Lemons like this.
  8. SilverMike

    SilverMike Well-Known Member

  9. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Message sent and most happy to be a participant this year. :)
    Eric the Red and Joshua Lemons like this.
  10. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Exploring the World of Coins Supporter

    Hey Joshua thanks for taking this on.
    You can count me in PM sent.
    SensibleSal66 and Joshua Lemons like this.
  11. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Yeah!!! Lots of people joining in.:)
    Joshua Lemons likes this.
  12. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member

    Yes, we are approaching 30 participants!
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  13. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    I say we hit 50!! :happy:
    I know I have a boat load of coins to give this year!!;):happy:
    Joshua Lemons and Rushmore like this.
  14. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    Nice. I gotta say I love this. I really especially enjoy giving serious coins to more novice collectors. Being a long time collector/dealer I remember the coins from a serious numismatist that both started and inspired me. I remember one of my mentors as an 8-10 year old that had a 1795 flowing hair $1 as a type set crown jewel. Probably f12-15. I always said I’d have one someday. I do now
  15. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member

    Alright everyone. I have a sufficient number of participants and will be sending out the first batch of recipients this weekend so please check your inboxes to see who you'll be gifting this year! Anyone who is still hasn't signed up but would like to participate, please do!
  16. bqcoins

    bqcoins Olympic Figure Skating Scoring System Expert

    I am in!!!!
    Abramthegreat likes this.
  17. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member


    I've assigned each person I have gotten a DM from a recipient! Please check your inboxes. Also, it's not too late for sign up for the exchange so if you know of anyone that may be interested, tag them or send them a message.
  18. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Thanks for running it this year. Work has kept me extremely busy.
  19. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member

    Three weeks left to sign up! It's not too late, send that PM!
    Abramthegreat likes this.
  20. Newbee03

    Newbee03 Well-Known Member

    I would like to participate but I don't believe I'm at 200 post would that disqualify me?
  21. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately yes for this year. But I'm sure you'll make it to 200 by next!
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