$2 bills

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by COSprings, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

    Why is it when I went to the bank in my home town to buy all the $2 bills that all i got back was 1976, 1996, and 2003? What happened to all the other years? Surely nobody is taking all those years and returning the rest.
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  3. camlov2

    camlov2 Member

    Those are the series that were produced. Bills are not every year like coins.
  4. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

    Thanks a lot for that, I read that they were released every year. Don't I feel dumb. Is there any website like numismedia that can tell me old dollar values?
  5. Doug21

    Doug21 Coin Hoarder

    Modern $2 bills are worth $2
  6. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

    I was more wondering about red seals.
  7. camlov2

    camlov2 Member

    The bills might be printed every year but the series only changes when there is a change of the secretary of the treasury or major design change.
  8. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

    Thanks a lot, this is exactly what I was looking for.
  9. Doug21

    Doug21 Coin Hoarder

    on the order of $2.50 if circulated, maybe $3 for a 1928, check ebay
  10. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

    People are paying more like $4+ for red seals on ebay, thats why I was wondering what the premium on them would be.
  11. Doug21

    Doug21 Coin Hoarder

    my local pays $2.25 last I knew. Even at $4 you might have held these for 40 years to double your money. I bet I could get all I want for $3.
  12. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

    Thanks Doug, a .25c premium doesn't sound like much. Maybe I'll look into $1 strap searching.
  13. Doug21

    Doug21 Coin Hoarder

    I happened to get about 100 of those reds about a year ago from my friendly bank teller that saves stuff like halves and such for me. I was glad to get $2.50 for them as a seller ( mostly of tools and misc. stuff) at the flea market. Sold them all to one guy.

    I sell modern $2 bills at 5/ $11 and put out 5 at a time when I used to sell. I usually sold about 10 "sets" in a few hours on a Sunday.
  14. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

    Is that even worth the time? $10 a Sunday for modern $2?
  15. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    1995, not 1996. There is also a difference between 2003 and 2003A. Soon you will see Series 2009. The BEP is well aware of the low desire for $2 notes. The production of them isn't required as often as the other denominations. If production of $1 notes ever ceases, like there has always been talk of, you will see an increase in production of $2 notes, thus you will see more consistent series, *if* that ever happens. The reason why you see plenty of 1976 $2's, yet it's moderately tough to find the rest of the denominations from the '70s, is because $2's aren't circulated often, proving the low desirability.
  16. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

  17. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

  18. Doug21

    Doug21 Coin Hoarder

    I was selling other stuff. I downsized my home and had stuff to get rid off, so I ordered some $2 bills from the bank to sell with my other stuff. It works well, people will come over to look at them and check out your other junk. I did Ike dollars too !
  19. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

    Thats pretty smart, I might have to try that at a garage sale some time :p
  20. g1rge

    g1rge Member

    This has been discussed before, not all modern $2 bills are worth $2. The 1976 I & J command a premium and the star notes of those districts even more so, as do star notes from other series. Of course, condition counts.
  21. COSprings

    COSprings New Member

    Like I asked before, any websites for dollars that show values.
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