1969-s DDO??!?!?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by JustinCoins, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. JustinCoins

    JustinCoins Member




    Ok guys, I haven't been on here for a month or two, not because my interest in coins has gone down or anything of the sort, I've just been super busy and so, any spare time I've had has gone to organizing my coins. Now, I finally decided to go back and seperate my '69's out, and while looking through them with better magnification, I came across this coin. I'm hoping to get good enough pics to show this, but, I think it should be since this one is pretty obvious. This the real deal?
    PS- I apologize for the crappy pics, that's why I only put up the ones that wee the most obvious. Not trying to frustrate everyone with a million blurry pics.
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  3. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Your coin has machine doubling. This is very common.
    This diagram will help in your searches.
  4. steve.e

    steve.e Cherry picker

    I concur MD.
  5. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    nope, when you see the 1969 S DDO you will have no doubt.
    paddyman98 likes this.
  6. JustinCoins

    JustinCoins Member

    Yeah, that's kinda what I thought. I saw some online, and they have to be the wrong kind, because when I finally saw one that was the real deal, it was basically just as obvious as the 1955. Alrighty, well, I guess I'll cancel the trip to Disney Land, hahaha, jk, thanks everyone.
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