1943 nickel How can you tell if it was struck on non silver planchette?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Harvey D, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Thank you for giving me an opening to use my God-given talent of annoyance.

    After all,we might have the Monks to thank, for what probably was a writing tool for communication used in a French Monastery.

    If there is going to be a growth of the Spiritualism Movement, why not start there? There is a reason for Scriptoriums, no?

    Monks with Pens...here we go again.
    The zygote of the device we are currently communicating with in real time.
    You are all Heresiarchs!
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  3. justafarmer

    justafarmer Senior Member

    All right then Bullwinkle - how about you explaining why weighing the coin won't tell us anything.
    ZoidMeister likes this.
  4. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Stupid is as stupid does?

    Because the silver war nickels were designed to have exactly the same weight as the copper-nickel alloy nickels they replaced. Both are 5g.

    Did you think they happened upon those weird alloy percentages randomly? Oh, let's add a pinch of manganese so it tastes better.

    This was before Hall effect and eddy current sensors. What mattered were diameter, thickness, and mass. With relatively tight tollerances.

    The replacement alloy needed the same specific gravity as the 75-25 copper-nickel alloy so the dimensions were correct.

    Shut Up Rockey!
    Kentucky likes this.
  5. justafarmer

    justafarmer Senior Member

    What if the coin doesn't weigh 5g?
    charley likes this.
  6. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    If it's out of tollerance, it's a problem either way, but it still doesn't tell you anything about the composition.
  7. justafarmer

    justafarmer Senior Member

    If the coin's weight is out of tolerance - other than for the sake of curiosity its composition is a moot point.
  8. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Not really...

    An off metal (wrong planchet) would have some numismatic value.

    Out of tollerance doesn't have additional value.
  9. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    I think I just lost my Annoyance Champion Hat, and it was not even a fair contest.

    Oh well, hats off to youse.
    Kentucky, ZoidMeister and -jeffB like this.
  10. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    This has definitely turned out to be one of the more bizarre thread resurrections. :rolleyes:
  11. justafarmer

    justafarmer Senior Member

    Kinda ironic I suppose being XRF analysis has a hard time properly detecting manganese.
    charley and Burton Strauss III like this.
  12. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Yep...sort of wondered when that was going to come up.
  13. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    But it would see silver or no silver.
  14. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    All nickels are 5.0g. Almost all are 75% copper and 25% nickel. The first ones the Shield nickel, the Liberty (V) nickel, the Indian Head (Buffalo) nickel, the Jefferson nickel regardless of composition. While the silver nickels have a different alloy 56% copper 35% silver 9% manganese they all weigh 5.0g.
    Some coin shops and jewelry shops have XRF and will test it for free.
    99% of the time you can tell the difference between a silver nickel and a regular nickel just by the patina.
  15. Publius2

    Publius2 Well-Known Member

    I'm a bit surprised no one mentioned the difference in the "feel" of a war nickel compared to a standard nickel. Maybe it's just me but war nickels, regardless of wear, always feel a bit "greasy". Might be the manganese in them but I don't know that. Take a standard nickel and a war nickel and rub each of them between thumb and finger. To me, they feel remarkably different.

    Anyway, the original OP way back when never substantiated his claim to having 1943 nickels struck on standard nickel planchets so his claims are rightly refuted.

    And he proved a troll when he took (bogus) offense at being questioned.
    Kentucky and ZoidMeister like this.
  16. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    If it were on Jupiter, it would weight substantially more, but have the same mass . . . .

    Did I just reply to the wrong thread?
    charley and SensibleSal66 like this.
  17. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Nope, like most people I accidentally conflated mass and weight. I got it right in one post and wrong in the other.

    Just remember what mass is without the m!
    ZoidMeister likes this.
  18. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Can I please have my Hat back?

    You are abusing it.
    ZoidMeister likes this.
  19. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    As you wish . . . .


    charley likes this.
  20. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Buying coins at an estate sale, I mentioned that war nickels are 35% silver and the guy running the estate sale said "I didn't know that" :banghead:
    Barney McRae and ZoidMeister like this.
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