From my collection...

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by galba68, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. galba68

    galba68 Well-Known Member

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  3. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    um what is that ?
  4. expat

    expat Remember you are unique, just like everyone else Supporter

    Aes rude (Latin, "rough bronze") was a nugget of bronze used as a sort of proto-currency in ancient Italy prior to the use of minted coins made from precious metals. The Italian economy of the time (late middle first millennium BC) was based on a bronze standard
  5. rrdenarius

    rrdenarius non omnibus dormio Supporter

    Nice piece @galba68. Rome first paid soldiers in 400 BC. They first produced coins about 280 BC. Between those dates, cast bronze was used to pay soldiers. If the 3 As per day was true in 400 BC, that would be about 15 US pounds per week.
    Exhibition_of_the_history_of_money,_Palazzo_Massimo,_2014-11-9 - Copy.jpg
    Exhibition of the history of money, Palazzo Massimo, in Rome. Not my picture.
    Pictures of cast bronze money from Garrucci.
    some of my cast bronze money
    kountryken, Curtis, sand and 8 others like this.
  6. Mammothtooth

    Mammothtooth Stand up Philosopher, Vodka Taster

    galba68, Orange Julius and Bing like this.
  7. Mammothtooth

    Mammothtooth Stand up Philosopher, Vodka Taster

    Hobo camp about to be dinner for Godzilla
    galba68, Orange Julius and sand like this.
  8. kountryken

    kountryken Well-Known Member

    Very nice, my friend. I probably would have walked right on by it, because I had no idea what it was? Thank you @expat and @rrdenarius for educating an old man (well, trying to, lol).
    galba68 and expat like this.
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