Large Ptolemaic bronze questions

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Evan Saltis, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. Evan Saltis

    Evan Saltis OWNER - EBS Numis LLC Supporter

    Hey folks.

    i don’t really touch much of anything of Greek extraction but I’ve been having great negotiations with our local pawn shop owner (I work for his other venture)

    This has been there for quite a while now, and my offer of $90 was countered at $100. Is that worth it? I see no reason to believe it isn’t genuine - seamless, definitely seems to be of ancient manufacturing.

    sorry for the poor images. I took them in 2019 and was in a rush.

    Please share some info on what an appropriate offer would be.

    F43E4BE7-2357-4467-B3FB-551A042F4AFC.png 491D7AC7-3FC5-4BA0-A855-F0AA35AEF732.png
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  3. ziggy9


    What is your definition of large? What size flip is that?
    Curtis likes this.
  4. Bart9349

    Bart9349 Junior Member

    Size (mm) and weight (gm) matter. I don’t collect coins, so I can’t give an opinion on your coin’s authenticity. That said, an AE drachm (41 mm, 65 gm) would be different than a similar triobol (35mm, 38 gm). If authentic, $100 might be about right.
  5. Evan Saltis

    Evan Saltis OWNER - EBS Numis LLC Supporter

    The flip is 3x3 to my estimation. The coin is probably Morgan dollar sized and twice as thick.
  6. Broucheion

    Broucheion Well-Known Member

    Hi @Evan Saltis,

    Looks like Svoronos 1003 (CPE-B393) assuming it’s about 35mm.

    - Broucheion
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2022
  7. Curtis

    Curtis Well-Known Member

    Can't tell without weight if it's a Ptolemy III Drachm (like these ones) or Triobol/Hemidrachm (like these). @Broucheion suggests the latter, so I would guess that's correct.

    It does make a big difference, though. One type weighs ~32-40g, the other more like ~60-80g. The bigger ones are extremely impressive and command a premium. That would be (in my opinion) a great bargain for $100. For the Triobol / Hemidrachm (the more likely as Broucheion suggests), the price is still reasonable.

    If you know how to interpret ancient coin auction hammer prices (it's more complicated than it sounds):

    You can see some roughly comparable auction examples here, some with prices, or in CNG Archive; again you have to add 20%. Here are some Hemidrachms/Triobols at full retail prices on VCoins.

    In case it turns out to be the heavy Drachm instead:
    Here are some roughly comparable Drachms, the big ones, sold at auction, many with prices, not including the 20% fee you have to add on; some more at CNG Archive. Here are some at retail prices on VCoins.
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