Actual TREASURE found !!!

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by SensibleSal66, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

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  3. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney Buh bye

    Lawsuits will eat up the $46K and then some. Should have kept the traps clamped.
  4. Lueds

    Lueds Well-Known Member

    I'm confused, why would there be lawsuits? It was their family members that hid the money in the first place.
    mike estes likes this.
  5. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    I saw that on the local news tonight as well. Surely thought we might see Paddy on the hunt! ;-) He's not too far away from us.
  6. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    You hear about these from time to time mostly in abandoned homes that have been
    lost and forgotten, makes you wonder if
    you have something like that in your home
    let me check...LOL
    Kevin Mader likes this.
  7. SteveInTampa

    SteveInTampa Always Learning

    Great story, thanks for sharing.
  8. cashhound

    cashhound Well-Known Member

    I'm doing the same thing in my dirt floor basement right now. I'm using a metal detector also. The house was built in 1911.
    SensibleSal66 and Kevin Mader like this.
  9. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Wow. Beside nails, I hope you find something . Check back please .;)
    CoinJockey73 likes this.
  10. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    I use to live in a house from the 1880's (1989 to 1990) . That floor was dirt. I wish I had a detector then. :(
    CoinJockey73 likes this.
  11. capthank

    capthank Well-Known Member

  12. fullhart

    fullhart Junior Member

    Hope you find something!
  13. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    If it's deceased family and not listed in a will or probate, I bet the IRS will get it's share.
  14. schnickelfritz48

    schnickelfritz48 Well-Known Member

    Imagine if that cash was invested back in the stock market at that time in the 1950's and assuming an average return with dividends re-invested, what the value of that $46K would be today???
    And as a follow-up, what is the value of $46K from the 1950's in 2021 dollars???
  15. Jim Dale

    Jim Dale Well-Known Member

    How does the IRS prove that taxes had been paid on the money back then. Whose responsibility is it to search tax records to determine if the taxes were paid in the 50f's. To me, it is a gift and there are IRS regulation that gives guidance on the taxability of the money. WHY CAN'T THESE IDIOTS KEEP THEIR TRAPS SHUT? I would try to pay off the person that found the money with a sizeable amount. However, the IRS gives rewards to people that rat on others. I heard that there was a 14 year kid that got a reward for reporting that his mother wasn't paying taxes on her day care. PEOPLE ARE STOOPID!
  16. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Buried or just hidden?
  17. cashhound

    cashhound Well-Known Member

    Buried in an attic?
  18. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    It could be 'buried' in a treehouse. Buried is a very subjective word.
    Buried in a wall. Buried in the floorboards.
  19. NOS

    NOS Former Coin Hoarder


    You can see more videos concerning this find from the treasure hunter on Youtube:



    (35:49 - extended footage)

    Interesting notes about this find:

    -All of the notes, except perhaps a small amount of hundreds, are uncirculated

    -The serials on some of the notes have been blurred

    -There appear to be at least two straps of star notes, which is very cool

    What is worthy of some discussion in my view:

    $46,000 was found in denominations of $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 notes. Why no twos? Sure. They're not very ubiquitous in regular circulation these days but it's said twos popularly circulated in daily commerce up into the late '60's.

    With so much cash being stashed in the '50's, why no $500+ denominations? The government issued these for circulation until 1969 and they were generally available at banks prior to their discontinuation; even then, they were still fairly commonly available from customer deposits throughout the '70's and into the early 80's or so.

    I suppose whomever assembled the notes in the box either didn't want these denominations or didn't care to ask for them.

    Now going back to the extended video, take a look from the 31:25 - 31:36 mark concerning the straps of twenties that are being held. Does this stand out to anyone else?

    You may need to increase the resolution of the video to 720P or 1080P on the cogwheel settings to get a clearer look.
  20. Lueds

    Lueds Well-Known Member

    What am I looking for?
  21. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    I will take some of that :)
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