1970 Jefferson Nickel weird error

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by coincraze, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. blue_oxen

    blue_oxen Junior Member

    lol ok but why
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  3. jcuve

    jcuve Lincoln variety fanatic

    The two photos are the same, except one is a gif and the other a jpeg that has been rotated. The shadows are the same as are the proportions and all the details of the coin. I have no doubt. I don't know how this came to be, or who is to blame - I just know that the photo posted is the same as the one on that site.

    I see Rockdude posted the two photos while I was working on this. Same picture.
  4. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Very similar, yes. Identical with the same nicks, not a chance.
  5. foundinrolls

    foundinrolls Roll Searching Enthusiast

    The guy is obviously a fake and he probably has been here before and has been booted before. If the admins are notified, with any luck, they'll boot him again:) Nice try Joe...
  6. Digenes

    Digenes Just a collector

    Lets also remember that if this coin has in fact been taken off of another website and posted here, then the author who posted it is also in violation of copywrite laws, which unfortunatly can come back and bite Peter in the butt.

  7. foundinrolls

    foundinrolls Roll Searching Enthusiast

  8. Jim M

    Jim M Ride it like ya stole it

    Rockdude, shame on you for having the same internet as the OP and finding the pilfered pic... LOL.
  9. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Some ppl don't have a social life or the one they have doesn't like them much. Most are known as trolls. :bow:
  10. bebop

    bebop New Member

    That is definetly the same coin this is a hoax,
  11. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.
  12. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    I hate 2 thing snitches & friend of snitches
  13. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    So then you must like 2 things;
    deceitful persons and those who encourage it. Or am I reading your comment wrong?
  14. ziggy9


    But I bet if your coin collection was stolen and your neighbor saw who did it you would want them to tell all. I'm having a weird sense of deja vu here. Didn't you come to the defense of another certain troll that has been booted from this forum at least three times now?

  15. Jim M

    Jim M Ride it like ya stole it

    Richard, you and me both. I do believe we have traveled this road before. As for jello hating friends of snitches, Gosh, I feel slighted. Big sigh.. Ok, I am over it.
  16. foundinrolls

    foundinrolls Roll Searching Enthusiast

    So Jello,

    Tell your friend to stop coming back under different names. Then there wouldn't be a need to weed out people who pilfer pictures and call the coins their own.

  17. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    That would be something useful that you could do to help this forum.
  18. jallengomez

    jallengomez Cessna 152 Jockey

    I don't live far away. I would be willing to drive to put this matter to rest. Lunch is on me. What do you say?
  19. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    the only 2 thing I have to say is this grow up if some disagree with any one of the crew they should not be band were should be adults here!

    there is difference with being a good neighbor and being tattletale/snitch
    the end
  20. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    You need to step back and look at what happened here before you start name calling. It was much more than a disagreement. Your saying that because the injustice was brought to the attention of the members on this forum that one is a tattletale/snitch? Grow up.
  21. foundinrolls

    foundinrolls Roll Searching Enthusiast

    jello, there are people on this forum and other forums that have threatening messages and or emails from jazzcoins joe. Stop defending him.

    He makes a point of being a nuisance on as many forums as he possibly can be.

    Go back to the initial problem. The initial problem is not that somebody snitched, the problem is with the posting of images that are copyright by a person who lied about the images and called them his own in order to trick people into conversing with him when he's been booted off the forum several times due to his own actions.

    Don't tell us to grow up...tell your friend to grow up and get a life.
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