1887 Morgan die clash question

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Bargainbidder, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. Bargainbidder

    Bargainbidder Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone,
    Was going through Morgans I have had since 79 and came across this 1887 that appears to have a die clash but does not match up exactly with the examples on VAM site. I probably looked up the wrong catagory but I thought it was in VAM-1 catagory. Problem besides die clash not matching exactly is the E under tail feathers. There are so many die marks I'm having trouble distinguishing between the lines and the letter. Of course I am probably way off in looking for it but coin was put away by me in 1979 and before that my mom had them stashed since 1948 so I just don't want to miss anything and your help would be greatly appreciated. 20210315_071057.jpg 20210315_071035.jpg Image_2021-03-15 07_15_04_017.JPG Image_2021-03-15 07_16_26_515.JPG Image_2021-03-15 07_18_04_820.JPG Image_2021-03-15 07_19_00_562.JPG Image_2021-03-15 07_19_20_607.JPG Image_2021-03-15 07_19_37_235.JPG Image_2021-03-15 07_22_18_472.JPG Image_2021-03-15 07_20_22_099.JPG
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  3. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

  4. potty dollar 1878

    potty dollar 1878 Well-Known Member

    I'm not seeing a clash either just a nice heavily circulated morgan.
    Bargainbidder likes this.
  5. Bargainbidder

    Bargainbidder Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sal..no worries, like I said would rather be safe than sorry..lol
  6. JAY-AR

    JAY-AR Well-Known Member

    I believe there are some clash marks on this Morgan. Upper outside neck, lips, over right eagles wing. Hard to tell because of condition. Now, whether there's letter transfer, who know. But I believe it is clashed. I've circled the areas where clashing is most detected. (hope that made cents):happy: 20210315_071057.jpg 20210315_071035.jpg Image_2021-03-15 07_15_04_017.JPG
    Bargainbidder likes this.
  7. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I'm not seeing anything that looks like a clash.
  8. JAY-AR

    JAY-AR Well-Known Member

    Ya, it's hard to tell with the condition. I believe the last pic with the circled area in the chin-neck area is most likely a clash mark. This is one of the first things I look for on a Morgan.
  9. Roseland3

    Roseland3 Active Member

    I have been doing the same thing with my Morgans. Your circles on your photos show the clash marks under the chin, the eagles left wing to into the Moto, and the markings between the right wing and the olive branches are the locations of die clashes.Here are some photos of one of my 1887s. S20210315_008.jpg S20210315_006.jpg Photo on 3-15-21 at 11.01 AM.jpg Photo on 3-15-21 at 11.01 AM #2.jpg Photo on 3-15-21 at 11.01 AM #3.jpg
    Bargainbidder likes this.
  10. Bargainbidder

    Bargainbidder Well-Known Member

    Just got off VAM website and didn't realize how many varieties Morgan and Peace Silver dollars have. Was there a shortage of silver back then because this coin has so many polished areas as if coin was used two or three times...lol
    Thanks for the information, I used pics to narrow down the variety to 1887 P VAM-1B-I-2 R-5.
  11. JAY-AR

    JAY-AR Well-Known Member

    Be careful my friend, VAMMING is very addictive!:nailbiting: VAMWorld is a awesome site.
    Bargainbidder likes this.
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