Best way to Dispose of Plated Cents

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by physics-fan3.14, Jan 11, 2021.

  1. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    Follow your own intuition or if you live in a community with a local numismatist ask him or her. Good luck
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  3. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    It's not a numismatic question, though, any more than "what should I do with this newspaper that's soaked in rat poison" is a question for an editor.

    If they were plated with silver or chrome or zinc, I'd say "spend them". With mercury, it's still a little tempting to say that -- like others here, I grew up in a time when kids were allowed to poke at the stuff, and there's just a tiny quantity on these coins. But there have been good suggestions already in the thread (dispose of them with fluorescent-bulb waste or mercury-thermometer waste).

    Whatever happens, nobody needs to call the EPA.
    Kentucky likes this.
  4. Phil's Coins

    Phil's Coins Well-Known Member

    WHATEVER YOU DO - do not let Salvador get ahold of them, we will be seeing each one of them for the next several years, with him wanting to know if any of them are errors.
  5. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    I always wanted one of those bar tops with the thick clear epoxy coating with coins buried deep in the epoxy...... Well, that would require a project..... But I like @desertgem idea and would encase them in something prior to disposal. I am afraid the fluoresce tube disposing guy may see a handful of change in the bottom of his barrel and take them out.
  6. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

  7. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    In chem lab when we were testing for different elements, I would always mention to the students that they could spit in a test tube and it would test positive for mercury.
    MIGuy likes this.
  8. Mike Thornton

    Mike Thornton Learning something new everyday.

    I hope your not recommending burning them. Correct? If mercury is present it will vaporize and could be inhaled. One could become as mad as a hatter if not dead.
    Heavymetal likes this.
  9. Mike Thornton

    Mike Thornton Learning something new everyday.

    If contamination is your concern, I'd suggest taking them to a metal recycler and tell them what they are, or find a local metal plating company and take them there. They deal with heavy metals and likely have some mercury in tanks anyway. Just a couple ideas. Good luck.
  10. Mike Thornton

    Mike Thornton Learning something new everyday.

    don't forget the mustard.
    juris klavins likes this.
  11. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

    Outdoor fire, don’t stand downwind
    Kentucky likes this.
  12. goossen

    goossen Senior Member

    I have the feeling that we are going to see them again here in CT. :rolleyes:
  13. CoinCorgi

    CoinCorgi Tell your dog I said hi!

    CT deals with @Heavymetal ;)
    buckeye73 and Kentucky like this.
  14. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Maybe my son-in-law can help you with the heavymetal...
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  15. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    It may not be obvious in the picture, but these are all 50's and 60's dated quarters that are a shiny silver color.

    I don't know for certain that they are mercury - but I know it was common at that time to do that.
  16. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

  17. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    I have absolutely no idea why the neurons misfired on that one. Haha.
    1stSgt22 and Kentucky like this.
  18. 1stSgt22

    1stSgt22 I'm just me!

    When I was a kid we used to take mercury out of thermometers and play with it!! It didn't bit me a hurt!!!
  19. skully53

    skully53 #FJB

    I am new here, but yes, that was a joke. Maybe not funny to you, but I chortled.
    Kentucky likes this.
  20. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

    Probably more Mercury exposure eating a salmon caught in Lake Ontario
    The chemical builds up in the fatty tissue
    The big fish eat the little fish
    Not rocket science kids
  21. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

    My home is 35 miles from Pulaski, NY and the Salmon River
    25 pound salmon are caught there
    I don’t eat them or fish for them
    Children and pregnant women avoid consumption
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