Quarter missing reverse

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Reaghan, Jul 31, 2020.

  1. Reaghan

    Reaghan Member

    I asked myself how this could happen at the mint and I can't think of anything.
    Post mint damage?

    20200731_125012.jpg 20200731_125121.jpg
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  3. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Appears to be grease/oil filled die but let's summons @paddyman98 or others for more definitive answers.
    spirityoda, Reaghan and Inspector43 like this.
  4. Reaghan

    Reaghan Member

    It struck my eye thats for sure. Its not in the best shape, but I don't see any damage that would have caused it.
  5. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Interesting. If not PMD, I almost wonder about a soft strike since both sides affected. However, the rims are not soft really. Would like to hear hypothesis'.
    Reaghan likes this.
  6. Reaghan

    Reaghan Member

    Different pictures

    Attached Files:

    capthank likes this.
  7. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    The Issue on the Reverse looks like damage to me.. Like it was worn down somehow. It's like a circular pattern to it.
    Probably put under a table leg to stabilize it.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
  8. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    The "key" to your coin is the originality of its surface. Note that both sides are weak. Looks like a genuine error. Some call these set-up strikes or coins struck as the press is shut down.
  9. John Burgess

    John Burgess Well-Known Member

    Agree with paddyman98 on this, seems like theres a circular flow to it and looks like someone buffed it off, same reason the edge is so worn too. probably a rotary buffer and some free time?

    maybe some other pictures with different lighting to highlight the scratching, if it's there from buffing, will help to figure it out conclusively.
    Reaghan and Danomite like this.
  10. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    I see no evidence of any metal being removed in the images. The weak edges are more proof that this is either a very weak strike or a planchet that is under tolerance.
    Reaghan, Spark1951 and medoraman like this.
  11. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    I agree, (for what its worth, I am not the experts many others on this thread are). The edges being weak also strengthened my argument for a very weak strike.
    Reaghan and Spark1951 like this.
  12. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I can't think of the correct terminology but this coin looks like a test strike. Meaning the machine was being set up and pressure needs to be applied to turn a planchet into a coin. You can have too much pressured but yours looks to be not enough pressure.

    Looking at the reverse I can see swirls that @paddyman98 mentioned. We're only looking at a photo but could those swirls be part of the coins design if not enough pressure was applied to the press? This is an area passed by my knowledge.

    This was my first thought when I saw your photos. I believe this to be a genuine, down to earth error. May I ask where you got this coin? Can you shed some light on this please @Fred Weinberg?
  13. Reaghan

    Reaghan Member

    Believe it or not, i found it in the change from the car wash. The same place I found a W mint mark quarter. I will get some better pictures.
    Should I bring it to my local coin dealer and have it sent off for verification?
    Stevearino likes this.
  14. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Only if you promise to get back to us with the results.
    Reaghan, Danomite and Collecting Nut like this.
  15. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    @Reaghan I agree with Paddy. Take it to your LCS and get back to us with what they said. Don't send in at this point in time. Be patient dear, be patient.
    Reaghan and Danomite like this.
  16. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    @Collecting Nut you are thinking of a "die adjustment strike".


    The problem is usually the center strikes up better than the edge, which is not the case here.

    I lean towards a heavy wooden table leg, with the fort side up. On legs that are turned on a lathe, there is usually a little dimple at the center, which is why that part of the design isn't damaged. The table was heavy enough that George's hair (what little detail there is these days) was smoothed down.
    john65999, capthank, Reaghan and 3 others like this.
  17. Danomite

    Danomite What do you say uh-huh

    This appears to be mechanical damage. The reverse has the center relief somewhat present and the reeded edge is obviously worn indicating a tilted rotating damage. Rotational damage is also evident by the circular marks on the reverse. Your pictures express no luster also indicating damage or wear.
    Reaghan and John Burgess like this.
  18. JCro57

    JCro57 Making Errors Great Again

    Absolutely post-Mint damage.

    Definitely not a weak strike.

    A weak strike should still have strong rims that were formed before the strike during
    the upsetting process. They would not be flattened as a result of a weaker-than-normal strike. That makes no sense. Look above the word STATES on the obverse. No way a weak strike would do that.

    Weak strikes also have very weak edge reeding. The poster's quarter has strong reeding that is seen despite not seeing the edge directly.

    It also is not a grease-filled die as that doesn't affect the rims either. Look at this heavy grease-filled die on a cent. Strong rims despite almost no design.


    The answer is the quarter was altered.

    We don't have to prove how it was altered. You have to prove it is an error, and I have proved why it is neither a greaser or a weak strike.
  19. Reaghan

    Reaghan Member

  20. Reaghan

    Reaghan Member

    Yall are the best! And I hope Mr. dremels tip flys off
  21. JCro57

    JCro57 Making Errors Great Again

    Here is a genuine weak strike for a quarter. Notice the rims are still raised and the edge reeding is missing. This is further proof that the OP's coin is altered.
    1999 25c weak strike OBV.jpg 1999 25c weak strike REV.jpg 1999 25c connecticut weak edge reeding.jpg
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