Unknown Moneta - 16th Century?

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by HandsomeToad, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    Howdy fellow coin peeps, :)

    I have the following coin and don't know what it is or what the counterstamp is about.



    Any information will be greatly appreciated. ;)

    Ribbit :)

    Ps: It's about the size of a Lincoln penny and very thin. ;)
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  3. kuhli

    kuhli title not chosen

    Duchy of Lorraine
    Charles III (1545-1608)
    1 sol
    Nance mint
    "G" mintmaster- Nicolas Gennetaire

    this is just what I found searching Google. Have no clue about the overprint, but it appears on many coins from this time frame.

    link #1

    more listings

    at least this helps you identify and date it.
  4. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    Thankies! :thumb:

    With the links, it also gave me an idea of what it's worth. :D

    Now I can label it and stick it in my collection. ;)

    Ribbit :)
  5. Brit in Texas

    Brit in Texas Senior Member

    There are a whole lot of repunched letters on that coin. I like that, it gives it character imo.
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