Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. igotchange

    igotchange Active Member

    Your makin that up rite.heres my in a small town and the bank is in the next town 17 mi pretty sure when i ask for rolls the managers whoever gets them first.she always hands me re rolled there any tricks to level the playing field.i even asked if she could order a box of halves and she made out like it was imposible .
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  3. BadLuckSilver

    BadLuckSilver Member

    Tonight, one roll had 12 2018P/D Kennedy. Crazy. I guess someone's trying to liquidate
  4. NPCoin

    NPCoin Resident Imbecile

    Looks like proof halves are becoming quite common. Two others this week have found proofs in their rolls. Here's mine I got yesterday, as well as a 2018D, one 40% silver, and a handful of very nice uncs:
    CRH - halves - 2019_01_09.jpg
    spirityoda, Arby, Relic Raker and 4 others like this.
  5. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    @TexAg the mint rolls of halves are worth about 2x face if you want to bother selling them on a site like feebay.
    TexAg likes this.
  6. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    I'll tell you, prolonged subzero temps and the resulting car problems really cut into my coin hunting time. Between me, my wife, and our three kids we have 5 cars and 1 pickup. I am the mechanic...I am ready for a warm-up!
    TexAg and -jeffB like this.
  7. TexAg

    TexAg Well-Known Member

    Thanks Berto, good to know. I will probably pick out the best 10-12 for my grand children (and future grand children ;)) Kennedy albums and see if my local dealer wants the rest. It was nice to find those!
    berto likes this.
  8. TexAg

    TexAg Well-Known Member

    Oh, memories of when 3 of our kids were in college. Lots of maintenance & repairs when they came home! Extreme cold weather makes it worse. Hope it warms up there soon.
    berto likes this.
  9. Tuco

    Tuco Active Member

    Found 146 Ikes today, now trying to find the cointalk cliff notes on what to do :D

    Attached Files:

    • ike.jpg
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      583.8 KB
    berto likes this.
  10. TexAg

    TexAg Well-Known Member

    Picked up the last of my boxes in Houston before heading home. A quarter box for myself, a quarter box for the Coin Club to search for Ws & whatever Tuesday night, and 3 half dollar boxes for myself. I found a handful of Ws in a handful of boxes, so hopefully a Club member or two will find one when we search it back in our small West Texas town, where it’s unlikely that very many Ws will show up on their own. Will take a swing through NE Texas and hopefully pick up a stray box or two, but if not I’ll have plenty to work with.
    Tuco and tmeyer like this.
  11. BadLuckSilver

    BadLuckSilver Member

    Holy Proofs!
  12. myownprivy

    myownprivy Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, but I cannot take joy in your finds. You are all my competitors.
    berto likes this.
  13. killswitch95

    killswitch95 Member

    Had a customer who knows I search the rolls at my store GIVE me these a couple weeks ago, 1868 and 1882 Shield Nickels...

    (The 1868 was better suited for a picture so I took one of that one instead)



    Not exactly a hunt find, but a gift because I hunt...
  14. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    As far as I know no one on this forum is located near me, so I do not mind celebrating their finds posted here. If a CT member was located near me I would approach them about divvying up the banks in our town. Hopefully, they would cooperate :)

    Based on my half dollar pickups in town, there are searchers here, but they are relatively small volume, likely focusing on CWRs. I often pickup (and subsequently redeposit elsewhere) searched (and marked) rolls from at least two other searchers. These two other searchers are wise to avoid searching local MWRs because the MWRs are very skunky...Not much silver recharge to the "system" because there are very few coin counting machines in area banks.

    Best to everyone!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020
  15. Relic Raker

    Relic Raker Well-Known Member

    Quick $40 nickel hunt today produced two silvers—both 1943-P.
    One seems to have been through a fire.
    Two 1943-P nickels obv.jpg Two 1943-P war nickels rev.jpg
    Tuco and berto like this.
  16. BadLuckSilver

    BadLuckSilver Member

    Nice finds, gens. Which is better to pick up half dollar rolls/boxes? Small town such as 20K or big city 200K or MAJOR city like Los Angeles, Dallas, etc?
  17. BadLuckSilver

    BadLuckSilver Member

    I have a gallon sized ziploc bag full of 1974s that I put off to look for DDO. I bought an USB microscope to look for it, should be delivered tonight. Should be a fun weekend. LOTS of 1974s, it's ridiculous. And what's funny is I get more bicentennials than Quarters. Bicentennial Quarter weird hunters should start hunting for half dollar bicentennials so I can see them out of my face when I do CRH. I recall doing 10 boxes of quarters, none of them had bicentennials. For half dollars, I see bicentennials more often as 1974's. Come on, you bicentennial hoarders, clean it up :D
  18. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Yeah, I saw a ton of bicentennial halves as well, and relatively few quarters.

    I figure most of the bicentennial quarters got pulled out of circulation during the time that "all quarters had an eagle on the back", and they were obvious novelties. Now that you can get a whole roll of circulating quarters with no reverse design repeated, bicentennials aren't as noticeably odd; I think maybe I see them more frequently now than I did 20 years ago.

    Halves, of course, had pretty much stopped circulating by 1975/1976. There was no reason to pull a "novel" bicentennial half out of circulation, because getting any half dollar in circulation was novel.
    berto likes this.
  19. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    I think all half dollar searchers agree CWRs produce more collectibles than MWRs. The size of the town is not a factor. The searcher must simply be in the right place at the right time to find CWRs at a bank. When CWRs are found at a bank, the CWRs only rarely contain silver as a result of another searcher depositing the rolls, or silver sniping tellers have already removed the silver coins from the rolls. Both scenarios are common.

    Expect to not find silver, so you will be pleased when you do.
    Mr. Flute and BadLuckSilver like this.
  20. BadLuckSilver

    BadLuckSilver Member

    Picked up 4 boxes. 1 skunk, 3 to go, one NIFC 2019-P. Skunk streak to 88 boxes. I have no interest opening the rest of boxes, I'm going to take a nap.
  21. Tuco

    Tuco Active Member

    Never use a dolly, beats paying for a gym membership.
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