We're required to tell customers if their coins are worth more than face value, says the bank teller

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by myownprivy, Dec 15, 2019.

  1. Jim Dale

    Jim Dale Well-Known Member

    I've read through this whole thread and it was hard for me to keep up with the personal slander and the cheats and those that I would ride the river with.
    Anyway.... My wife was a teacher for 34 years and at the end, she was teaching grandchildren of earlier students. The reason I said this is that I "bank" at a NC State Credit Union and my wife taught most of the tellers and other employees. When we/I go to the Credit Union, I have been offered "old coins". I haven't got many because of the size of the town I live in. I've gone to a couple of banks and was told that I would have to have an account before they could tell me anything. At my friendlier Credit Union, I have gotten older JFKs, and Franklins, but nothing else of importance. One of my friendlier tellers (who is the "Head" teller) offered a "gold" quarter. I asked to see it and it turned out to be a "gold colored" quarter that was worth about 25 cents. I gave her a brand new shiny quarter in exchange. She did exchange it and she asked me if I wanted any shiny new quarters, that there was a whole tray of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. I thanked her for her offer and that I already had all the new coins that I needed.
    One thing that I did try to do was to get some currency straight from the Federal Reserve and were in sequential order. I was told that they get their currency from a Brinks (or whatever their name is) truck and if they get any sequential bills, it would be accidental. I have gotten 2-3 bills in sequential order, but only sporadically.
    This has been fun. Today is my 72nd birthday. It's cold and bright and a beautiful day. I love North Carolina!
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  3. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Happy Birthday, neighbor!
    Heater likes this.
  4. NOS

    NOS Former Coin Hoarder

    My good sir, I can tell that you are upset. Allow me to attempt to take your mind off of this matter by stating that your uses of "should of", "could of" and "would not of" should be "should have", "could have" and "would not have". Additionally, kindly note that your use of "then" should be "than" as you are writing comparatively. Kindly keeping these correct grammatical usages in mind will make you appear to be a stronger and more credible writer going forward. Thanks.
    Treashunt and Kentucky like this.
  5. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    me too
  6. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Happy Birthday!
  7. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    @Jim Dale Happy Birthday. I've only been to N.C. once to the Outer Banks but loved that vacation. I was there during the Hatteras move which was an awesome sight to see. I later purchased the video when it had been completed.
    Heater likes this.
  8. myownprivy

    myownprivy Well-Known Member

    The only way she was pregnant is if she was one of those people you hear about who are so fat they don't realize they are pregnant.

    Typically, pregnant women are nicely proportional if they are already not the slender type or they are still very slender and sexy but with a large, nicely shaped belly. This woman had more of a saggy look that comes with simply being overweight.
  9. J.T. Parker

    J.T. Parker Well-Known Member

    Perhaps only 'Politically Correct' if she was in a Carnival sideshow?
  10. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    The things I learn while reading a thread about getting coins from banks...
  11. Alan Cecil

    Alan Cecil Active Member

    Im in North Colorado and my tellers could care less don't know the difference between Canadian 1 Cent or Wheat Penny That's why I buy by the box for everything
  12. jetsmell

    jetsmell New Member

    I knew this post was going to go there. Yes, he really didn't need to describe the woman as fat, but come on people loosen up. I'm sixty nine, but you can read that I'm not " Politically Correct ". It must really suck to be offended over just about everything.
    atcarroll likes this.
  13. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    "Fat" is a purely descriptive term, like "tall" or "short" and while it may be considered rude to call someone such to their face, there's nothing inherently derogatory about the word. Truth is a defense. I'm fat myself, and therefore entitled to use the word; that's how it works, right?

    Can we get back to the main topic now? I'm surprised how many posts obsessed on this detail lol. Here, I'll try to help get the train back on the rails:

    Never got anything from my bank more exciting than a handful of circulated clad Kennedy halves, but one time I managed to have a spare $500 and got them to order a whole box of half dollars for me to go through. Was a fun project that I got by brother involved in. Only found I think, like 10 silver ones, but did fill the rest of the holes left in my Kennedy half dollar set. Would love to do it again, but that's a time and cashflow issue most times.
  14. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    re-read his post
  15. Heater

    Heater Well-Known Member

    Oh my. The grammar police are back.
    NOS likes this.
  16. Heater

    Heater Well-Known Member

    Now if only the morals police could shine again.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2019
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