Not sure where to post... Is this a black beauty

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by RLGluvcoins, Sep 23, 2019.

  1. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    I was wondering if this is a black beauty because I can't really find any for 1962 they all seem to be in the late 50s. I would be thankful for any useful feedback. Please be nice about it. Im about blind after 5 yrs of Cancer treatments and a tumor hitting a bad place in my brain. I've looked as much as I can. With that being said here are my pics I hope they look clearer to y'all than they do to me. I will retake if needed. :) 15692143311686949445070649113222.jpg 15692143889274484963271906466412.jpg 15692145005376016096084018872284.jpg
    CircCam likes this.
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  3. CircCam

    CircCam Victory

    Hello, it looks like a heavily corroded Nickel that spent some time underground or in a gutter for awhile. I believe the “Black Beauty” nickel improper alloys were only 1958.

    Still, while not worth more than face value there are folks like me out there who like dark coins even if they are technically Environmental Damage. At least it’s something different.
  4. Legomaster1

    Legomaster1 Cointalk Patron

    Just looks like environmental damage to me.
    spirityoda and RLGluvcoins like this.
  5. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    Thank you both. :)
    Inspector43 likes this.
  6. CircCam

    CircCam Victory

    Also, sorry to hear about your cancer treatments... glad you’re still with us.
    Inspector43 and RLGluvcoins like this.
  7. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    Thank you. Hanging in there we are at an end to what the docs can do but Im pretty stubborn and will go down fighting :smuggrin:
    I didnt start coin collecting hard until last March when they put me on hospice so getting a bit of a late start lol. Hoping for a miricmi to help fund at least one wish on my bucket list. and taking care of kids mine other people's and anyone that needed help waiting for the day that I could go do something for myself and ended up with cancer 44 so kind of screwed the pooch on that one but I'm not giving up hope it happened. My glass is half-full never half empty:shame:
    Dynoking, Spark1951, Tracy62 and 3 others like this.
  8. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    I've never been one to roll over and play dead easily lol.
    Been a hard life since childhood but I pride myself on being positive and finding the silver lining of ever dark cloud that has ever crossed my doorstep.
  9. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

    What kind of cancer were you diagnosed with ?
  10. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    Started out 4th stage lung cancer in my blood stream metastasize to my right hip bone until I ended up with the hair fracture because there wasn't enough room for the cancer cells and my normal cells but they all tried to fit in there, then last March they found it in my brain right front.chemo dont reach the brain and I am whats known as a 1%, the treatments were killing me faster than cancer was so now on hospice to try and get some good out of life before it takes over completely.
  11. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

    I'm a stage 4 cancer survivor .
  12. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    We are looking into asbestos related reasons because of my living situations as a child. They think I have had it for a while because it is slow growing and where it started my doc thinks I was misdiagnosed by doctors most my life. I was labeled asthmatic, COPD, chronic bronchitis, I have non of those illnesses and haven't had bronchitis since started treatments nor a cough or asthma issues. ..
  13. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    Wtg keep up the fight
    Inspector43 likes this.
  14. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    No matter what you're told you keep surviving and just know it is something does happen to you you still kick Cancer's ass because you're taking it with you it won't survive either. I'm getting my body to science they've already accepted me research because of being a one percenter that can't handle any treatments they have given me including the ones that are supposed to be working with your own immune system if it has so much as a 2% chance of giving a bad reaction I got it is ridiculousI am hoping by giving my body to research that they may possibly be able to come up with something to help the next people that are the 1-percenters or anybody else for that matterlike I said before I will go down fighting and I will continue to fight after I'm gone
  15. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

    I caught my cancer from a waterproofing agent, made from W.R. Grace . Been a mason, all my adult life .

    Bad products, bad cancer ...
  16. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    I have another nickel looks like it might be 90 something 95 p but it looks like it has steps so little messed up there there but you can barely see a lot of the other stuff and I can't understand cuz usually it's the other way around the steps or calling you still see the other stuff so even if it is environmental it's weird then again that could just be my eyes here's some pictures 15692193809544739139210627831371.jpg 15692194560888004676067484795176.jpg 15692194845271318812964519244464.jpg 15692196840075803366952503011259.jpg
  17. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    Wow that sucks. Are ya handling treatment ok enough. Well as good as anybody taking any of these treatments can handle it
  18. David Colquhoun

    David Colquhoun Active Member

    Looks like a 1995 with full steps but a lot of goop on coin.
    Hey good luck and I hope you get many things on your list ,keep fighting bud
    RLGluvcoins likes this.
  19. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    Black Beauty nickels (often 1958 and 1959, but other dates as well)
    become dark from being improperly annealed. They were cooked too long.
    If you look at the edges/rims of these coins there are not dark.
    If you look at the rims/edges of your coin (not pictured) I am sure they are just
    as dark as the rest of your coin. A likely scenario for your environmentally damaged coin was that it was in the ground for a while, (rusted) recovered by a metal detectorist and released back into circulation.
    RLGluvcoins likes this.
  20. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    You know it. Im a girl thats loves a challenge :happy:
  21. RLGluvcoins

    RLGluvcoins Active Member

    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
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