82 sm date bronze

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Nathan stroud, Aug 12, 2019.


Is it 82 sm

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  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  1. Nathan stroud

    Nathan stroud New Member

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  3. Nathan stroud

    Nathan stroud New Member

    82 small on bronze?
  4. Nathan stroud

    Nathan stroud New Member

    1982 bronze strike? Smll date?

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  5. Nathan stroud

    Nathan stroud New Member

  6. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

    Large date
  7. thomas mozzillo

    thomas mozzillo Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Coin Talk. You should start your own thread on this. Since you're new I'll try and explain it politely to you. When a member starts a thread as @James gross did about a 1964 Proof coin, unless you're replying to it, or posting some information about it, it's considered "bad Manners", or improper, to hijack the thread with a new post unrelated to the original one. Please start a thread with a question about your coin. Post it in the US Coins forum. Also, your photos are a little blurry so if you can, please post clearer photos along with the weight of your coin. If possible have a photo of the coin on the scale. Thank you.
    edit: Even though your photos are blurry IMO it looks like the large date.
  8. Nathan stroud

    Nathan stroud New Member

    This large too?

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  9. Nathan stroud

    Nathan stroud New Member

    Im sorry james dunno what im doing. Just started my own
  10. thomas mozzillo

    thomas mozzillo Well-Known Member

    masterswimmer likes this.
  11. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    yours is a large date...

  12. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    nope both large dates

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